
👋 Hi, my name is Ghislain Vieilledent. I am an ecologist at Cirad, a French research center working with developing countries to tackle environmental and development issues. I am a member of the UMR AMAP joint research unit based in Montpellier (South of France). I have a background in biology and mathematics. My research focuses mainly on tropical forests 🌿🌳🌴. More particularly, I try to understand better the role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle ♻ and the impact of climate change ⛅🌡and land-use change 🚜🔥 on tropical forest biodiversity 🌱🐦🦍🐞. I publish scientific papers in community ecology, conservation biology, and applied statistics. For my research, I analyze data that are collected in the tropics. I also develop theoretical models to test new hypothesis in ecology. I use various statistical and computer tools to do so (including R and Python) 📊💻. My field work takes place mainly in Madagascar (where I have lived for three years), French Guiana, and New Caledonia (where I am currently based). I spend most of my time writing code and papers with Emacs, and supervising Master and PhD students. Major part of my research is done in collaboration with my students or fellow researchers. This website aims at presenting a broad view of these research activities.