Software ToC
Code repositories
A complete list of code repositories is available on GitHub.
R packages
is an R package for fitting joint species distribution models
(JSDMs) in a hierarchical Bayesian framework. The Gibbs sampler is
written in C++ using Rcpp, Armadillo, and GSL to maximize computation
is an R package for fitting hierarchical Bayesian species
distribution models (HSDMs). It includes functions to fit mixture
models (site-occupancy, N-mixture, ZIB, and ZIP models) accounting for
imperfect detection, excess of zeros in the observations, and spatial
autocorrelation (through an intrinsic CAR process). Functions use an
adaptive Metropolis within Gibbs algorithm written in C code. This
makes parameter inference faster than with software commonly used to
fit such models (such as JAGS) and allows analyzing very large
data-sets (typically with more than tens of thousands grid
provides a set of climatic and environmental data for a given
area of interest (eg. country scale) that can be used for ecological
analyses. Data come from a variety of sources (eg. Chelsa,
OpenStreetMap, TropicalMoistForest, SRTMv4.1, SoilGrids). Climatic and
environmental data are available as multiband raster files at a
resolution and in the coordinate reference system provided by the
MCMCpack (contribution to)
(Markov chain Monte Carlo Package) is an R package which
includes functions to perform Bayesian inference using posterior
simulation for a number of statistical models. Most simulation is done
in compiled C++ written with the Scythe
statistical library. I have
contributed to MCMCpack
with the development of functions for
generalized linear mixed models (glmm): MCMChregress()
for Gaussian
models, MCMChlogit()
for Bernoulli models (logit link function), and
for Poisson models (log link
(2e) is a software which aims first at estimating the demographic parameters of tropical tree species from permanent forest plot data (through an R package), and second at simulating forest dynamics (through a Capsis module).
Python packages
The forestatrisk
Python package can be used to model the tropical deforestation spatially, predict the spatial risk of deforestation, and forecast the future forest cover in the tropics. It provides functions to estimate the spatial probability of deforestation as a function of various spatial explanatory variables. Spatial explanatory variables can be derived from topography (altitude, slope, and aspect), accessibility (distance to roads, towns, and forest edge), deforestation history (distance to previous deforestation), or land conservation status (eg. protected area) for example.
The pywdpa
Python package is an interface to the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) hosted on the Protected Planet website at The pywdpa
package provides functions to download shapefiles of protected areas (PA) for any countries with an iso3 code using the Protected Planet API at The pywdpa
package translates some functions of the R package worldpa
( in the Python language.
The riskmapjnr
Python package can be used to obtain maps of the spatial risk of deforestation and forest degradation following the methodology developed in the context of the Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) and using only a forest cover change map as input.
The geefcc
Python package can be used to make forest cover change (fcc) maps from Google Earth Engine (GEE) and download them locally. Forest cover change maps are obtained from two global tree/forest cover change products: Global Forest Change or Tropical Moist Forests. These two products are derived from the Landsat satellite image archive and provide tree/forest cover data at 30 m resolution.
QGIS plugins
The deforisk
Qgis plugin (written in Python) can be used to derive maps of the deforestation risk for a country or area of interest. The plugin relies on the forestatrisk
and riskmapjnr
packages. Four models can be used to derive the risk maps: iCAR, GLM, Random Forest, and Moving Window models. All models are calibrated using past deforestation observations. Forest cover change maps are provided by the user or derived from two global tree/forest cover change products: Global Forest Change and Tropical Moist Forests. Accuracy of the different risk maps can be compared to identify the best model and the best map.