Ghislain Vieilledent
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Researcher profiles
iEcology profiles
Pl@ntNet – eBird – iNaturalist
Curriculum vitæ
Professional experiences
January 2019 – Present: Cirad, UMR AMAP. Research scientist. Tropical forest ecology.
December 2023 – Present: Cirad, UMR AMAP, IAC. Research scientist. Expat in New Caledonia.
September 2015 – September 2018: JRC. Seconded National Expert. Detached to the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (Ispra, Italy). Modelling and forecasting deforestation in the tropics.
December 2009 – September 2012: Cirad, dP Forêts et biodiversité. Research scientist. Expat in Madagascar.
March 2009 – December 2018: Cirad, UR Forêts et Sociétés. Research scientist. Tropical forest ecology.
November 2005 – February 2009: Cemagref de Grenoble (now INRAE) – AgroParisTech. PhD. Structuring uncertainty and variability in allometric and demographic functions used in forest dynamics models to identify coexistence mechanisms of tree species in mountain forests of the Alps.
2003 – 2004: National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) – INA-PG – Paris VII. Master. Master “Environment: natural areas, technics and societies”. Study of the relationship between societies and nature. Conservation and sustainable development.
2000 – 2003: Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Rennes (ENSAR). Diploma of Engineer in Agronomy. Environmental management and quantitative ecology.
January – June 2001: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agronomos y Montes en Córdoba (ETSIAM), Spain. Forestry and conservation of Mediterranean habitats.
1996 – 1999: Lycée Georges Clémenceau in Nantes. 1997–1999: Student in preparatory classes BCPST (biology and mathematics). 1996–1997: Baccalauréat S with a major in mathematics.