Hierarchical Modelling of Species Communities (HMSC) is a model-based approach for analyzing community ecological data ((Ovaskainen et al. 2017)). The obligatory data for HMSC-analyses includes a matrix of species occurrences or abundances and a matrix of environmental covariates. Additional and optional data include information about species traits and phylogenetic relationships, and information about the spatiotemporal context of the sampling design. HMSC partitions variation in species occurrences to components that relate to environmental filtering, species interactions, and random processes. Hmsc yields inference both at species and community levels. This package and the package jSDM allow to fit the models defined below, so we can compare the results obtained by each of them on different data-sets.

1 Models definition

1.1 Binomial model for presence-absence data

We consider a latent variable model (LVM) to account for species co-occurrence (Warton et al. 2015) on all sites .

\[y_{ij} \sim \mathcal{B}inomial(t_i, \theta_{ij})\]

\[ \mathrm{g}(\theta_{ij}) = X_i\beta_j + W_i\lambda_j \]

  • \(\theta_{ij}\): occurrence probability of the species \(j\) on site \(i\).
  • \(t_i\): number of visits at site \(i\)
  • \(\mathrm{g}(\cdot)\): Link function (eg. logit or probit).

The inference method is able to handle only one visit by site with a probit link function so \(\forall i, \ t_i=1\) and \[y_{ij} \sim \mathcal{B}ernoulli(\theta_{ij})\].

  • \(X_i\): Vector of explanatory variables for site \(i\) with \(X_i=(x_i^1,\ldots,x_i^p)\in \mathbb{R}^p\) where \(p\) is the number of bio-climatic variables considered (including intercept \(\forall i, x_i^1=1\)).

  • \(\beta_j\): Effects of the explanatory variables on the probability of presence of species \(j\) including species intercept (\(\beta_{0j}\)). We use a prior distribution \(\beta_j \sim \mathcal{N}_p(0,\Sigma_{\beta})\) with \(\Sigma_{\beta}\) a specified diagonal matrix of size \(p \times p\).

  • \(W_i\): Vector of random latent variables for site \(i\). \(W_i \sim N(0, 1)\). The number of latent variables \(q\) must be fixed by the user (default to \(q=2\)).

  • \(\lambda_j\): Effects of the latent variables on the probability of presence of species \(j\) also known as “factor loadings” (Warton et al. 2015). We use the following prior distribution in the jSDM package to constraint values to \(0\) on upper diagonal and to strictly positive values on diagonal, for \(j=1,\ldots,J\) and \(l=1,\ldots,q\) : \[\lambda_{jl} \sim \begin{cases} \mathcal{N}(0,1) & \text{if } l < j \\ \mathcal{N}(0,1) \text{ left truncated by } 0 & \text{if } l=j \\ P \text{ such as } \mathbb{P}(\lambda_{jl} = 0)=1 & \text{if } l>j \end{cases}\].

This model is equivalent to a multivariate GLMM \(\mathrm{g}(\theta_{ij}) = X_i.\beta_j + u_{ij}\), where \(u_{ij} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \Sigma)\) with the constraint that the variance-covariance matrix \(\Sigma = \Lambda \Lambda^{\prime}\), where \(\Lambda\) is the full matrix of factor loadings, with the \(\lambda_j\) as its columns.

Using this model we can compute the full species residual correlation matrix \(R=(R_{ij})^{i=1,\ldots, nspecies}_{j=1,\ldots, nspecies}\) from the covariance in the latent variables such as : \[\Sigma_{ij} = \lambda_i .\lambda_j^T\], then we compute correlations from covariances : \[R_{i,j} = \frac{\Sigma_{ij}}{\sqrt{\Sigma _{ii}\Sigma _{jj}}}\].

1.2 Poisson model for abundance data

Referring to the models used in the articles (Hui 2016), we define the following model to account for species abundances on all sites.

\[y_{ij} \sim \mathcal{P}oisson(\theta_{ij})\].

\[ \mathrm{log}(\theta_{ij}) = \beta_{0j} + X_i\beta_j + W_i\lambda_j \]

2 Data-sets

2.1 Data simulation

We start by simulating the data-set that we will then analyze among real data-sets.

We generate a data-set, following the previous model, with \(300\) sites, \(100\) species and as parameters :

#== Data simulation
#= Number of species
nsp <- 100
#= Number of sites
nsite <- 300
#= Number of latent variables
nl <- 2
#= Set seed for repeatability
seed <- 123

# Ecological process (suitability)
x1 <- rnorm(nsite,0,1)
x2 <- rnorm(nsite,0,1)
X <- cbind(rep(1,nsite),x1,x2)
np <- ncol(X)
#= Latent variables W
W <- matrix(rnorm(nsite*nl,0,1), nrow=nsite, ncol=nl)
#= Fixed species effect beta 
beta.target <- t(matrix(runif(nsp*np,-2,2), byrow=TRUE, nrow=nsp))
#= Factor loading lambda  
mat <- t(matrix(runif(nsp*nl,-2,2), byrow=TRUE, nrow=nsp))
diag(mat) <- runif(nl,0,2)
lambda.target <- matrix(0,nl,nsp)
lambda.target[upper.tri(mat,diag=TRUE)] <- mat[upper.tri(mat, diag=TRUE)]
# Simulation of response data with probit link
probit_theta <- X %*% beta.target + W %*% lambda.target
theta <- pnorm(probit_theta)
e <- matrix(rnorm(nsp*nsite,0,1),nsite,nsp)
# Latent variable Z 
Z_true <- probit_theta + e
# Presence-absence matrix Y
Y <- matrix(NA, nsite,nsp)
for (i in 1:nsite){
  for (j in 1:nsp){
    if ( Z_true[i,j] > 0) {Y[i,j] <- 1}
    else {Y[i,j] <- 0}

2.2 Data-sets description

Among the following datasets, the presence-absence data are from the (Wilkinson et al. 2019) article in which they are used to compare joint species distribution models for presence-absence data, the dataset that records the presence or absence of birds is from the (Kéry & Schmid 2006) article and the mites abundance data-set is from the (Borcard & Legendre 1994) article.

#> ##
#> ## jSDM R package 
#> ## For joint species distribution models 
#> ## https://ecology.ghislainv.fr/jSDM 
#> ##
#> Loading required package: coda
#> The legacy packages maptools, rgdal, and rgeos, underpinning the sp package,
#> which was just loaded, will retire in October 2023.
#> Please refer to R-spatial evolution reports for details, especially
#> https://r-spatial.org/r/2023/05/15/evolution4.html.
#> It may be desirable to make the sf package available;
#> package maintainers should consider adding sf to Suggests:.
#> The sp package is now running under evolution status 2
#>      (status 2 uses the sf package in place of rgdal)
Simulated Mosquitos Eucalypts Frogs Fungi Birds Mites
data type presence-absence presence-absence presence-absence presence-absence presence-absence presence-absence abundance
distribution bernoulli bernoulli bernoulli bernoulli bernoulli bernoulli poisson
n.site 300 167 455 104 438 266 70
n.species 100 16 12 9 11 110 30
n.latent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
n.X.coefs 3 14 8 4 13 4 12
n.obs 30000 2672 5460 936 4818 29260 2100
n.param 1400 757 1485 366 1479 1458 630
n.mcmc 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000

3 Package Hmsc

In a first step, we fit joint species distribution models from previous data-sets using the Hmsc() function from package of the same name whose features are developed in the article (Ovaskainen et al. 2017).

3.1 Simulated dataset

We fit a binomial joint species distribution model, including latent variables, from the simulated dataset using the Hmsc() function to perform binomial probit regression.

studyDesign <- data.frame(sample=as.factor(1:nrow(Y)))
rL <- HmscRandomLevel(units=studyDesign$sample)
rL <- setPriors(rL, nfMax=2, nfMin=2)
mod <- Hmsc(Y=Y, XData=as.data.frame(X), XFormula=~x1+x2, XScale = FALSE,
            distr="probit", studyDesign=studyDesign,
mod_Hmsc_sim <- sampleMcmc(mod, thin=5, samples=1000, transient = 10000, nChains = 1)
T_Hmsc_sim=difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")

# Predicted probit(theta) 
theta_latent_sim <- apply(computePredictedValues(mod_Hmsc_sim),c(1,2),mean)
probit_theta_latent_sim <- qnorm(theta_latent_sim)
#res <- evaluateModelFit(hM=mod_Hmsc_sim, predY=preds)
# Deviance 
for (i in 1:nsite){
  for (j in 1:nsp){
    logL=logL + dbinom(Y[i,j],1,theta_latent_sim[i,j],1)  
Deviance_Hmsc_sim <- -2*logL

save(np, nl, nsp, nsite, beta.target, lambda.target, X, W, theta, probit_theta, Z_true, Y, T_Hmsc_sim,
     mod_Hmsc_sim, rL, probit_theta_latent_sim,
     RMSE_Hmsc_sim, Deviance_Hmsc_sim,

We visually evaluate the convergence of MCMCs by representing the trace and density a posteriori of some estimated parameters and we evaluate the accuracy of the estimated parameters by plotting them against the parameters used to simulate the data-set.

codaObject <- Hmsc::convertToCodaObject(mod_Hmsc_sim, start=1)

# Trace and density plot of MCMC chains of parameters to visually evaluate convergence 
## Fixed species effect beta
for(j in 1:2){
  MCMC.betaj <- codaObject$Beta[[1]][,grepl(paste0("sp0",j),colnames(codaObject$Beta[[1]]))]
  for(p in 1:ncol(X)){
                      main=paste0("Trace of ", colnames(MCMC.betaj)[p]))
                     main=paste0("Density of ", colnames(MCMC.betaj)[p]))
Hmsc_beta <- t(getPostEstimate(hM=mod_Hmsc_sim, parName='Beta')$mean)

## factor loadings lambda_j
for(j in 1:2){
  MCMC.lambdaj <- codaObject$Lambda[[1]][,grepl(paste0("sp0",j),colnames(codaObject$Lambda[[1]][[1]]))][[1]]
  for(l in 1:rL$nfMax){
                      main=paste0("Trace of ", colnames(MCMC.lambdaj)[l]))
                     main=paste0("Density of ", colnames(MCMC.lambdaj)[l]))
Hmsc_lambda <- t(getPostEstimate(hM=mod_Hmsc_sim, parName='Lambda', r=1)$mean)

plot(t(beta.target), Hmsc_beta,
     xlab="obs", ylab="fitted", main="Fixed species effect beta") 
     xlab="obs", ylab="fitted", main="Loading factors lambda") 

## Latent variable W 
Hmsc_lvs <- getPostEstimate(hM=mod_Hmsc_sim, parName='Eta', r=1)$mean
for (l in 1:nl) {
       main=paste0("Latent variable W_", l),
       xlab="obs", ylab="fitted")

## Prediction
# probit_theta_latent 
     main="probit(theta)", xlab ="obs", ylab="fitted")

Overall, the traces and the densities of the parameters indicate the convergence of the algorithm. Indeed, we observe on the traces that the values oscillate around averages without showing an upward or downward trend and we see that the densities are quite smooth and for the most part of Gaussian form.
On the above figures, the estimated parameters are close to the expected values if the points are near the red line representing the identity function (\(y=x\)).

3.2 Mosquitos dataset

We fit a binomial joint species distribution model, including latent variables, from the mosquitos dataset using Hmsc() function to perform binomial probit regression.

# Import center and reduce Mosquito dataset
data(mosquitos, package="jSDM")
Env_Mosquitos <- mosquitos[,17:29]
Env_Mosquitos <- cbind(scale(Env_Mosquitos[,1:4]), Env_Mosquitos[,5:13])
PA_Mosquitos <- mosquitos[,1:16]

# Define the model 
studyDesign <- data.frame(sample=as.factor(1:nrow(PA_Mosquitos)))
rL <- HmscRandomLevel(units=studyDesign$sample)
rL <- setPriors(rL, nfMax=2, nfMin=2)
# Fit the model 
mod <- Hmsc(Y=PA_Mosquitos, XData=as.data.frame(Env_Mosquitos), XFormula=~., XScale = FALSE,
            distr="probit", studyDesign=studyDesign,
mod_Hmsc_Mosquitos <- sampleMcmc(mod, thin=5, samples=1000, transient = 10000, nChains = 1)
T_Hmsc_Mosquitos=difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")

# Predicted probit(theta) 
theta_latent_Mosquitos  <- apply(computePredictedValues(mod_Hmsc_Mosquitos),c(1,2),mean)
probit_theta_latent_Mosquitos  <- qnorm(theta_latent_Mosquitos)

# Deviance 
for (i in 1:nrow(PA_Mosquitos)){
  for (j in 1:ncol(PA_Mosquitos)){
    logL=logL + dbinom(PA_Mosquitos [i,j],1,theta_latent_Mosquitos[i,j],1)  
Deviance_Hmsc_Mosquitos  <- -2*logL

save(T_Hmsc_Mosquitos, mod_Hmsc_Mosquitos,
     probit_theta_latent_Mosquitos, Deviance_Hmsc_Mosquitos,

3.3 Eucalypts dataset

We fit a binomial joint species distribution model, including latent variables, from the eucalypts dataset using Hmsc() function to perform binomial probit regression.

# Import center and reduce Eucalypts dataset
data(eucalypts, package="jSDM")
Env_Eucalypts <- cbind(scale(eucalypts[,c("Rockiness","VallyBotFlat","PPTann", "cvTemp","T0")]),eucalypts[,c("Sandiness","Loaminess")])
PA_Eucalypts <- eucalypts[,1:12]
Env_Eucalypts <- Env_Eucalypts[rowSums(PA_Eucalypts) != 0,]
# Remove sites where none species was recorded
PA_Eucalypts<- PA_Eucalypts[rowSums(PA_Eucalypts) != 0,]

# Define the model 
studyDesign <- data.frame(sample=as.factor(1:nrow(PA_Eucalypts)))
rL <- HmscRandomLevel(units=studyDesign$sample)
rL <- setPriors(rL, nfMax=2, nfMin=2)
# Fit the model 
mod <- Hmsc(Y=PA_Eucalypts, XData=as.data.frame(Env_Eucalypts), XFormula=~., XScale = FALSE,
            distr="probit", studyDesign=studyDesign,
mod_Hmsc_Eucalypts <- sampleMcmc(mod, thin=5, samples=1000, transient = 10000, nChains = 1)
T_Hmsc_Eucalypts=difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")

# Predicted probit(theta) 
theta_latent_Eucalypts  <- apply(computePredictedValues(mod_Hmsc_Eucalypts),c(1,2),mean)
probit_theta_latent_Eucalypts  <- qnorm(theta_latent_Eucalypts)

# Deviance 
for (i in 1:nrow(PA_Eucalypts)){
  for (j in 1:ncol(PA_Eucalypts)){
    logL=logL + dbinom(PA_Eucalypts[i,j],1,theta_latent_Eucalypts[i,j],1)  
Deviance_Hmsc_Eucalypts  <- -2*logL

save(T_Hmsc_Eucalypts, mod_Hmsc_Eucalypts,
     probit_theta_latent_Eucalypts, Deviance_Hmsc_Eucalypts,

3.4 Frogs dataset

We fit a binomial joint species distribution model, including latent variables, from the frogs dataset using Hmsc() function to perform binomial probit regression.

# Import center and reduce Frogs dataset
data(frogs, package="jSDM")
Env_Frogs <- cbind(scale(frogs[,"Covariate_1"]),frogs[,"Covariate_2"],
colnames(Env_Frogs) <- colnames(frogs[,1:3])
PA_Frogs <- frogs[,4:12]

# Define the model 
studyDesign <- data.frame(sample=as.factor(1:nrow(PA_Frogs)))
rL <- HmscRandomLevel(units=studyDesign$sample)
rL <- setPriors(rL, nfMax=2, nfMin=2)
# Fit the model 
mod <- Hmsc(Y=PA_Frogs, XData=as.data.frame(Env_Frogs), XFormula=~., XScale = FALSE,
            distr="probit", studyDesign=studyDesign,
mod_Hmsc_Frogs <- sampleMcmc(mod, thin=5, samples=1000, transient = 10000, nChains = 1)
T_Hmsc_Frogs=difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")

# Predicted probit(theta) 
theta_latent_Frogs  <- apply(computePredictedValues(mod_Hmsc_Frogs),c(1,2),mean)
probit_theta_latent_Frogs  <- qnorm(theta_latent_Frogs)

# Deviance 
for (i in 1:nrow(PA_Frogs)){
  for (j in 1:ncol(PA_Frogs)){
    logL=logL + dbinom(PA_Frogs [i,j],1,theta_latent_Frogs[i,j],1)  
Deviance_Hmsc_Frogs  <- -2*logL

save(T_Hmsc_Frogs, mod_Hmsc_Frogs,
     probit_theta_latent_Frogs, Deviance_Hmsc_Frogs,

3.5 Fungi dataset

We fit a binomial joint species distribution model, including latent variables, from the fungi dataset using Hmsc() function to perform binomial probit regression.

# Import center and reduce fungi dataset
data(fungi, package="jSDM")
Env_Fungi <- cbind(scale(fungi[,c("diam","epi","bark")]),
colnames(Env_Fungi) <- c("diam","epi","bark","dc1","dc2","dc3","dc4","dc5",
PA_Fungi <- fungi[,c("antser","antsin","astfer","fompin","hetpar","junlut",
Env_Fungi <- Env_Fungi[rowSums(PA_Fungi) != 0,]
# Remove sites where none species was recorded
PA_Fungi<- PA_Fungi[rowSums(PA_Fungi) != 0,]

# Define the model 
studyDesign <- data.frame(sample=as.factor(1:nrow(PA_Fungi)))
rL <- HmscRandomLevel(units=studyDesign$sample)
rL <- setPriors(rL, nfMax=2, nfMin=2)
# Fit the model 
mod <- Hmsc(Y=PA_Fungi, XData=as.data.frame(Env_Fungi), XFormula=~., XScale = FALSE,
            distr="probit", studyDesign=studyDesign,
mod_Hmsc_Fungi <- sampleMcmc(mod, thin=5, samples=1000, transient = 10000, nChains = 1)
T_Hmsc_Fungi=difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")

# Predicted probit(theta) 
theta_latent_Fungi  <- apply(computePredictedValues(mod_Hmsc_Fungi),c(1,2),mean)
probit_theta_latent_Fungi  <- qnorm(theta_latent_Fungi)

# Deviance 
for (i in 1:nrow(PA_Fungi)){
  for (j in 1:ncol(PA_Fungi)){
    logL=logL + dbinom(PA_Fungi[i,j],1,theta_latent_Fungi[i,j],1)  
Deviance_Hmsc_Fungi  <- -2*logL

save(T_Hmsc_Fungi, mod_Hmsc_Fungi,
     probit_theta_latent_Fungi, Deviance_Hmsc_Fungi,

3.6 Birds dataset

We fit a binomial joint species distribution model latent variables from the birds dataset using Hmsc() function to perform binomial probit regression.

# Birds dataset
PA_Birds <- birds[,1:158]
# Remove species with less than 5 presences
rare_sp <- which(apply(PA_Birds>0, 2, sum) < 5) 
PA_Birds <- PA_Birds[, -rare_sp]
# Transform presence-absence data with multiple visits per site into binary data
PA_Birds[PA_Birds > 0] <- 1
# Scale environmental variables 
Env_Birds <- data.frame(scale(birds[,c("elev","rlength","forest")]))

# Define the model 
studyDesign <- data.frame(sample=as.factor(1:nrow(PA_Birds)))
rL <- HmscRandomLevel(units=studyDesign$sample)
rL <- setPriors(rL, nfMax=2, nfMin=2)
# Fit the model 
mod <- Hmsc(Y=PA_Birds, XData=as.data.frame(Env_Birds), XFormula=~., XScale = FALSE,
            distr="probit", studyDesign=studyDesign,
mod_Hmsc_Birds <- sampleMcmc(mod, thin=5, samples=1000, transient = 10000, nChains = 1)
T_Hmsc_Birds=difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")

# Predicted probit(theta) 
theta_latent_Birds  <- apply(computePredictedValues(mod_Hmsc_Birds),c(1,2),mean)
probit_theta_latent_Birds  <- qnorm(theta_latent_Birds)

# Deviance
for (i in 1:nrow(PA_Birds)){
  for (j in 1:ncol(PA_Birds)){
    logL= logL + dbinom(PA_Birds[i,j],1,theta_latent_Birds[i,j],1)  
Deviance_Hmsc_Birds <- -2*logL
save(T_Hmsc_Birds, mod_Hmsc_Birds,
     probit_theta_latent_Birds, Deviance_Hmsc_Birds,

3.7 Mites dataset

We fit a joint species distribution model, including latent variables, from the mites abundance dataset using Hmsc() function to perform a poisson log-linear regression.

# Import center and reduce mites dataset
data(mites, package="jSDM")
# data.obs
PA_Mites <- mites[,1:35]
# Remove species with less than 10 presences
rare_sp <- which(apply(PA_Mites>0, 2, sum) < 10) 
PA_Mites <- PA_Mites[, -rare_sp]
# Normalized continuous variables
Env_Mites  <- cbind(scale(mites[,c("density","water")]),
                    mites[,c("substrate", "shrubs", "topo")])
mf.suit <- model.frame(formula=~., data=as.data.frame(Env_Mites))
X_Mites <- model.matrix(attr(mf.suit,"terms"), data=mf.suit)

# Define the model 
studyDesign <- data.frame(sample=as.factor(1:nrow(PA_Mites)))
rL <- HmscRandomLevel(units=studyDesign$sample)
rL <- setPriors(rL, nfMax=2, nfMin=2)
# Fit the model 
mod <- Hmsc(Y=PA_Mites, XData=as.data.frame(Env_Mites), XFormula=~., XScale=FALSE,
            distr="poisson", studyDesign=studyDesign,
mod_Hmsc_Mites <- sampleMcmc(mod, thin=5, samples=1000, transient = 10000, nChains = 1)
T2 <- Sys.time()
T_Hmsc_Mites <- difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")

# Predicted probit(theta) 
theta_latent_Mites  <- apply(computePredictedValues(mod_Hmsc_Mites),c(1,2),mean)
log_theta_latent_Mites  <- log(theta_latent_Mites)

# Deviance
for (i in 1:nrow(PA_Mites)){
  for (j in 1:ncol(PA_Mites)){
    logL=logL + dpois(PA_Mites[i,j],theta_latent_Mites[i,j],1)  
Deviance_Hmsc_Mites <- -2*logL

save(T_Hmsc_Mites, mod_Hmsc_Mites,
     log_theta_latent_Mites, Deviance_Hmsc_Mites,

4 Package jSDM

In a second step, we fit the same joint species distribution models from each of the previous datasets using the jSDM package.

4.1 Simulated dataset

We fit a binomial joint species distribution model, including latent variables, from the simulated dataset using the jSDM_binomial_probit() function to perform binomial probit regression.

np <- ncol(X)
# Fit the model
mod_jSDM_sim <- jSDM_binomial_probit(
  # Chains
  burnin=10000, mcmc=5000, thin=5,
  # Response variable
  # Explanatory variables 
  # Model specification
  n_latent=2, site_effect="none",
  # Starting values
  lambda_start=0, W_start=0,
  # Priors 
  mu_beta=0, V_beta=c(10,rep(1,np-1)),
  mu_lambda=0, V_lambda=1,
  # Various 
  seed=123, verbose=1)
T_jSDM_sim=difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")


save(T_jSDM_sim, mod_jSDM_sim, RMSE_jSDM_sim,

We visually evaluate the convergence of MCMCs by representing the trace and density a posteriori of some estimated parameters and we evaluate the accuracy of the estimated parameters by plotting them against the parameters used to simulate the data-set.

# ===================================================
# Result analysis
# ===================================================

# Trace and density plot of MCMC chains of parameters to visually evaluate convergence 
## Fixed species effect beta
np <- ncol(X)
mean_beta <- matrix(0,nsp,np)
for (j in 1:nsp) {
  for (p in 1:ncol(X)) {
    mean_beta[j,p] <-mean(mod_jSDM_sim$mcmc.sp[[j]][,p])
    if (j < 3){
                      main=paste("Trace of ", colnames(mod_jSDM_sim$mcmc.sp
                                         [[j]])[p],", species : ",j))
                     main=paste("Density of ", colnames(mod_jSDM_sim$mcmc.sp
                                         [[j]])[p],", species : ",j))

## factor loadings lambda_j
mean_lambda <- matrix(0,nsp,nl)
for (j in 1:nsp) {
  for (l in 1:nl) {
    mean_lambda[j,l] <-mean(mod_jSDM_sim$mcmc.sp[[j]][,ncol(X)+l])
    if (j < 3){
                      main=paste("Trace of", colnames(mod_jSDM_sim$mcmc.sp
                                         [[j]])[ncol(X)+l],", species : ",j))
                     main=paste("Density of", colnames(mod_jSDM_sim$mcmc.sp
                                         [[j]])[ncol(X)+l],", species : ",j))
plot(t(beta.target),mean_beta, xlab="obs", ylab="fitted", 
     main="Fixed species effect beta")
plot(t(lambda.target),mean_lambda, xlab="obs", ylab="fitted", 
     main="Loading factors lambda")

## W latent variables
for (l in 1:nl) {
       main=paste0("Latent variable W_", l), xlab="obs", ylab="fitted")


## Deviance
plot(mod_jSDM_sim$mcmc.Deviance, main="Deviance")

#= Predictions
## probit_theta
     xlab="obs",ylab="fitted", main="probit(theta)")

# ## theta
# plot(pnorm(probit_theta),mod_jSDM_sim$theta_latent,
#      xlab="obs",ylab="fitted", main="theta")
# abline(a=0,b=1,col='red')

Overall, the traces and the densities of the parameters indicate the convergence of the algorithm. Indeed, we observe on the traces that the values oscillate around averages without showing an upward or downward trend and we see that the densities are quite smooth and for the most part of Gaussian form.
On the above figures, the estimated parameters are close to the expected values if the points are near the red line representing the identity function (\(y=x\)).

4.2 Mosquitos dataset

We fit a binomial joint species distribution model, including latent variables, from the mosquitos dataset using jSDM_binomial_probit() function to perform binomial probit regression.

# Fit the model
T1 <- Sys.time()
mod_jSDM_Mosquitos <- jSDM_binomial_probit(
  # Chains 
  burnin=10000, mcmc=5000, thin=5,
  # Response variable 
  # Explanatory variables 
  # Model specification
  site_effect="none", n_latent=2,
  # Starting values 
  lambda_start=0, W_start=0,
  # Priors
  mu_beta=0, V_beta = c(10,rep(1,ncol(X_Mosquitos)-1)),
  mu_lambda=0, V_lambda=1,
  # Various 
  seed=123, verbose=1)
T2 <- Sys.time()
T_jSDM_Mosquitos <- difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")
save(T_jSDM_Mosquitos, mod_jSDM_Mosquitos,

4.3 Eucalypts dataset

We fit a binomial joint species distribution model, including latent variables, from the eucalypts dataset using jSDM_binomial_probit() function to perform binomial probit regression.

# Fit the model
T1 <- Sys.time()
mod_jSDM_Eucalypts <- jSDM_binomial_probit(
  # Chains
  burnin=10000, mcmc=5000, thin=5,
  # Response variable 
  # Explanatory variables 
  # Model specification
  n_latent=2, site_effect="none",
  # Starting values 
  lambda_start=0, W_start=0,
  # Priors
  mu_beta=0, V_beta = c(10,rep(1,ncol(X_Eucalypts)-1)),
  mu_lambda=0, V_lambda=1,
  # Various 
  seed=123, verbose=1)
T2 <- Sys.time()
T_jSDM_Eucalypts <- difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")
save(T_jSDM_Eucalypts, mod_jSDM_Eucalypts,

4.4 Frogs dataset

We fit a binomial joint species distribution model, including latent variables, from the frogs dataset using jSDM_binomial_probit() function to perform binomial probit regression.

# Fit the model 
T1 <- Sys.time()
mod_jSDM_Frogs <- jSDM_binomial_probit(
  # Chains
  burnin=10000, mcmc=5000, thin=5,
  # Response variable 
  # Explanatory variables 
  # Model specification 
  n_latent=2, site_effect="none",
  # Starting values 
  lambda_start=0, W_start=0,
  # Priors 
  mu_beta=0, V_beta = c(10,rep(1,ncol(X_Frogs)-1)),
  mu_lambda=0, V_lambda=1,
  # Various 
  seed=123, verbose=1)
T2 <- Sys.time()
T_jSDM_Frogs <- difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")
save(T_jSDM_Frogs, mod_jSDM_Frogs,

4.5 Fungi dataset

We fit a binomial joint species distribution model, including latent variables, from the fungi dataset using jSDM_binomial_probit() function to perform binomial probit regression.

# Fit the model
T1 <- Sys.time()
mod_jSDM_Fungi <- jSDM_binomial_probit(
  # Chains 
  burnin=10000, mcmc=5000, thin=5,
  # Response variable 
  # Explanatory variables 
  # Model specification
  n_latent=2, site_effect="none",
  # Starting values 
  lambda_start=0, W_start=0,
  mu_beta=0, V_beta = c(10,rep(1,ncol(X_Fungi)-1)),
  mu_lambda=0, V_lambda=1,
  # Various 
  seed=123, verbose=1)
T2 <- Sys.time()
T_jSDM_Fungi <- difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")
save(T_jSDM_Fungi, mod_jSDM_Fungi,

4.6 Birds dataset

We fit a binomial joint species distribution model including latent variables, from the birds dataset using jSDM_binomial_probit() function to perform binomial probit regression.

# Birds dataset
PA_Birds <- birds[,1:158]
# Remove species with less than 5 presences
rare_sp <- which(apply(PA_Birds>0, 2, sum) < 5) 
PA_Birds <- PA_Birds[, -rare_sp]
# Transform presence-absence data with multiple visits per site into binary data
PA_Birds[PA_Birds > 0] <- 1
# Scale environmental variables 
Env_Birds <- data.frame(scale(birds[,c("elev","rlength","forest")]))

# Fit the model
T1 <- Sys.time()
mod_jSDM_Birds <- jSDM_binomial_probit(
  # Chains 
  burnin=10000, mcmc=5000, thin=5,
  # Response variable 
  # Explanatory variables 
  # Model specification
  n_latent=2, site_effect="none",
  # Starting values 
  lambda_start=0, W_start=0,
  # Priors 
  mu_beta=0, V_beta = c(10,rep(1,ncol(X_Birds)-1)),
  mu_lambda=0, V_lambda=1,
  # Various 
  seed=123, verbose=1)
T2 <- Sys.time()
T_jSDM_Birds <- difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")
save(T_jSDM_Birds, mod_jSDM_Birds,

4.7 Mites dataset

We fit a joint species distribution model, including latent variables, from the mites abundance dataset using jSDM_poisson_log() function to perform a poisson log-linear regression.

# Fit the model
T1 <- Sys.time()
mod_jSDM_Mites <- jSDM_poisson_log(
  # Chains 
  burnin=10000, mcmc=5000, thin=5,
  # Response variable 
  # Explanatory variables 
  # Model specification
  n_latent=2, site_effect="none",
  # Starting values 
  lambda_start=0, W_start=0,
  # Priors 
  mu_beta=0, V_beta=c(10,rep(1,ncol(X_Mites)-1)),
  mu_lambda=0, V_lambda=1,
  # Various 
  seed=123, verbose=1)
T2 <- Sys.time()
T_jSDM_Mites <- difftime(T2,T1, units="secs")
save(T_jSDM_Mites, mod_jSDM_Mites,

5 Comparison

Then we compare the computation time and the results obtained with each package.

5.1 Computation time and deviance

Simulated Mosquitos Eucalypts Frogs Fungi Birds Mites
Computation time Hmsc (secondes) 641 283 171 125 197 1314 612
Computation time jSDM (secondes) 95 12 23 5 23 91 67
Deviance Hmsc 15421 1768 2656 353 1926 14641 7047
Deviance jSDM 15201 1267 1846 211 1377 14117 6812

jSDM is 7 to 28 times faster than Hmsc.

5.2 Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) for simulated data

Computed for the probabilities of presences \(\theta_{ij}\) on the simulated data-set.

Hmsc jSDM
RMSE 0.073 0.072

5.3 Estimated Parameters

We plot the parameters estimated with jSDM against those estimated with Hmsc to compare the results obtained with both packages.

5.3.1 Simulated dataset

5.3.2 Mosquitos dataset

5.3.3 Eucalypts dataset

5.3.4 Frogs dataset

5.3.5 Fungi dataset

5.3.6 Birds dataset

5.3.7 Mites dataset

On the figures above, the parameters estimated with jSDM are close to those obtained with Hmsc if the points are near the red line representing the identity function (\(y=x\)).

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