Presence or absence of 9 species of frogs at 104 sites, 3 covariates collected at these sites and their coordinates.


frogs is a data frame with 104 observations on the following 14 variables.


1 to 9 indicate by a 0 the absence of the species on one site and by a 1 its presence


1 and 3 continuous variables


2 discrete variables


a numeric vector of first coordinates corresponding to each site


a numeric vector of second coordinates corresponding to each site


Wilkinson, D. P.; Golding, N.; Guillera-Arroita, G.; Tingley, R. and McCarthy, M. A. (2018) A comparison of joint species distribution models for presence-absence data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.


data(frogs, package="jSDM")
#>   Covariate_1 Covariate_2 Covariate_3 Species_1 Species_2 Species_3 Species_4
#> 1    3.870111           0    0.045334         1         0         0         0
#> 2    3.326950           1    0.115903         0         0         0         0
#> 3    2.856729           1    0.147034         0         0         0         0
#> 4    1.623249           1    0.124283         0         0         0         0
#> 5    4.629685           1    0.081655         0         0         0         0
#> 6    0.698970           1    0.107048         0         0         0         0
#>   Species_5 Species_6 Species_7 Species_8 Species_9        y        x
#> 1         0         0         0         0         0 66.41479 9.256424
#> 2         0         1         0         0         0 67.03841 9.025588
#> 3         0         1         0         0         0 67.03855 9.029416
#> 4         0         1         0         0         0 67.04200 9.029745
#> 5         0         1         0         0         0 67.04439 9.026514
#> 6         0         0         0         0         0 67.03894 9.023580