forestatrisk.interpolate_rho(rho, input_raster, output_file='output/rho.tif', csize_orig=10, csize_new=1)[source]

Resample rho values with interpolation.

This function resamples the spatial random effects (rho values) obtained from an iCAR model. It performs a cubicspline interpolation at a finer resolution and smoothens the rho values.

  • rho – Original rho values estimates with the iCAR model.

  • input_raster – Path to input raster defining the region.

  • output_file – Path to output raster file with resampled rho values.

  • csize_orig – Original size of the spatial cells (in km).

  • csize_new – New size of the spatial cells for cubicspline interpolation (in km).

forestatrisk.wrast_rho(rho, input_raster, csize=10, output_file='output/rho_orig.tif')[source]

Write rho values to GeoTIFF.

This function writes rho values (spatial random effects) to a GeoTIFF raster file.

  • rho – original rho values estimates with the iCAR model.

  • input_raster – path to input raster defining the region.

  • csize – size of the spatial cells (in km).

  • output_file – path to output raster file.

forestatrisk.predict_raster(model, _x_design_info, var_dir='data', input_forest_raster='data/forest.tif', output_file='predictions.tif', blk_rows=128, verbose=True)[source]

Predict the spatial probability of deforestation from a statistical model.

This function predicts the spatial probability of deforestation from a statistical model. Computation are done by block and can be performed on large geographical areas.

  • model – The model (glm, rf) to predict from. Must have a model.predict_proba() function.

  • _x_design_info – Design matrix information from patsy.

  • var_dir – Directory with rasters (.tif) of explicative variables.

  • input_forest_raster – Path to forest raster (1 for forest).

  • output_file – Name of the output raster file for predictions.

  • blk_rows – If > 0, number of rows for computation by block.

  • verbose – Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to True.

forestatrisk.predict_raster_binomial_iCAR(model, var_dir='data', input_cell_raster='output/rho.tif', input_forest_raster='data/forest.tif', output_file='output/pred_binomial_iCAR.tif', blk_rows=128, verbose=True)[source]

Predict the spatial probability of deforestation from a model.

This function predicts the spatial probability of deforestation from a model_binomial_iCAR model. Computation are done by block and can be performed on large geographical areas.

  • model – The model_binomial_iCAR model to predict from.

  • var_dir – Directory with rasters (.tif) of explicative variables.

  • input_cell_raster – Path to raster of rho values for spatial cells.

  • input_forest_raster – Path to forest raster (1 for forest).

  • output_file – Name of the raster file to output the probability map.

  • blk_rows – If > 0, number of rows for computation by block.

  • verbose – Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to True.

forestatrisk.defrate_per_cat(fcc_file, riskmap_file, time_interval, period='calibration', tab_file_defrate='defrate_per_cat.csv', blk_rows=128, verbose=True)[source]

Compute deforestation rates per category of deforestation risk.

This function computes the historical deforestation rates for each category of spatial deforestation risk.

  • fcc_file – Input raster file of forest cover change at three dates (123). 1: first period deforestation, 2: second period deforestation, 3: remaining forest at the end of the second period. No data value must be 0 (zero).

  • riskmap_file – Input raster file with categories of spatial deforestation risk.

  • time_interval – Time interval (in years) for forest cover change observations.

  • period – Either “calibration” (from t1 to t2), “validation” (from t2 to t3), “historical” or “forecast” (full historical period from t1 to t3). Default to “calibration”.

  • tab_file_defrate – Path to the .csv output file with estimates of deforestation rates per category of deforestation risk.

  • blk_rows – If > 0, number of rows for computation by block.

  • verbose – Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to True.


None. A .csv file with deforestation rates per category of deforestation risk will be created (see tab_file_defrate).