forestatrisk.cellneigh(raster=None, region=None, csize=10, rank=1)[source]

Compute number of spatial cells and neighbours.

  • raster – Path to raster file to compute region.

  • region – List/tuple of region coordinates (east, west, south, north).

  • csize – Spatial cell size (in km).

  • rank – Rank of the neighborhood (1 for chess king’s move).


Tuple of length 2 with number of neighbours for each cell and adjacent cells.

forestatrisk.cellneigh_ctry(raster=None, region=None, vector=None, csize=10, rank=1)[source]

Compute number of spatial cells and neighbours inside country’s borders.

  • raster – Path to raster file to compute region from.

  • region – List/tuple of region coordinates (east, west, south, north) if raster is not provided.

  • vector – Path to vector file with country’s borders.

  • csize – Spatial cell size (in km).

  • rank – Rank of the neighborhood (1 for chess king’s move).


Tuple of length 4 with (i) number of neighbours for each cell, (ii) adjacent cells, (iii) total number of cells inside country’s border, (iv) total number of cells from region.

class forestatrisk.model_binomial_iCAR(suitability_formula, data, n_neighbors, neighbors, NA_action='drop', data_pred=None, eval_env=0, burnin=1000, mcmc=1000, thin=1, beta_start=0, Vrho_start=1, mubeta=0, Vbeta=1000, priorVrho=-1.0, shape=0.5, rate=0.0005, Vrho_max=10, seed=1234, verbose=1, save_rho=0, save_p=0)[source]

model_binomial_iCAR class.

model_binomial_iCAR class to estimates the parameters of a Binomial model with iCAR process for spatial autocorrelation in a hierarchical Bayesian framework.

  • suitability_formula – A formula-like object that can be used to construct a design matrix (see patsy.dmatrices).

  • data – A dict-like object that can be used to look up variables referenced in suitability_formula.

  • n_neighbors – A vector of integers that indicates the number of neighbors (adjacent entities) of each spatial entity. length(n.neighbors) indicates the total number of spatial entities.

  • neighbors – A vector of integers indicating the neighbors (adjacent entities) of each spatial entity. Must be of the form c(neighbors of entity 1, neighbors of entity 2, … , neighbors of the last entity). Length of the neighbors vector should be equal to sum(n.neighbors).

  • NA_action – What to do with rows that contain missing values (see patsy.dmatrices).

  • data_pred – Optional dataset for predictions.

  • eval_env – Environment used to look up any variables referenced in suitability_formula that cannot be found in data (see patsy.dmatrices).

  • burnin – Number of iterations for the burnin phase.

  • mcmc – The number of Gibbs iterations for the sampler. Total number of Gibbs iterations is equal to burnin+mcmc. burnin+mcmc must be divisible by 10 and superior or equal to 100 so that the progress bar can be displayed.

  • thin – The thinning interval used in the simulation. The number of mcmc iterations must be divisible by this value.

  • beta_start – Starting values for beta parameters. This can either be a scalar or a p-length vector. If set to -99, estimates from a simple logistic regression are used (from scikit-learn module).

  • Vrho_start – Positive scalar indicating the starting value for the variance of the spatial random effects.

  • mubeta – Means of the priors for the beta parameters of the suitability process. mubeta must be either a scalar or a p-length vector. If mubeta takes a scalar value, then that value will serve as the prior mean for all of the betas. The default value is set to 0 for an uninformative prior.

  • Vbeta – Variances of the Normal priors for the beta parameters of the suitability process. Vbeta must be either a scalar or a p-length vector. If Vbeta takes a scalar value, then that value will serve as the prior variance for all of the betas. The default variance is large and set to 1000 for an uninformative flat prior.

  • priorVrho – Type of prior for the variance of the spatial random effects. Can be set to a fixed positive scalar, or to an inverse-gamma distribution (“1/Gamma”) with parameters shape and rate, or to a uniform distribution (“Uniform”) on the interval [0,Vrho.max]. Default set to “1/Gamma”.

  • shape – The shape parameter for the Gamma prior on the precision of the spatial random effects. Default value is shape=0.5 for uninformative prior.

  • rate – The rate (1/scale) parameter for the Gamma prior on the precision of the spatial random effects. Default value is rate=0.0005 for uninformative prior.

  • Vrho_max – Upper bound for the uniform prior of the spatial random effect variance. Default set to 10.

  • seed – The seed for the random number generator. Default set to 1234.

  • verbose – A switch (0,1) which determines whether or not the progress of the sampler is printed to the screen. Default is 1: a progress bar is printed, indicating the step (in %) reached by the Gibbs sampler.

  • save_rho – A switch (0,1) which determines whether or not the sampled values for rhos are saved. Default is 0: the posterior mean is computed and returned in the rho.pred vector. Be careful, setting save.rho to 1 might require a large amount of memory.

  • save_p – A switch (0,1) which determines whether or not the sampled values for predictions are saved. Default is 0: the posterior mean is computed and returned in the theta.pred vector. Be careful, setting save.p to 1 might require a large amount of memory.


An object of class model_binomial_iCAR.

class forestatrisk.model_random_forest(formula, data, na_action='drop', eval_env=0, n_jobs=1, n_estimators=100, max_depth=None, **kwargs)[source]

model_random_forest class.

Fit a random forest model (see sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier) using a patsy formula for explanatory variables.

forestatrisk.icarModelPred(formula, _y_design_info, _x_design_info, betas, rho)[source]

Short icar model class for predictions.