
Please cite Vieilledent (2021) if you use the forestatrisk Python package for a scientific publication. You can use the BibTeX entry available below.

Vieilledent G. 2021. forestatrisk: a Python package for modelling and forecasting deforestation in the tropics. Journal of Open Source Software. 6(59): 2975. [doi: 10.21105/joss.02975]. pdf

  author    = {Ghislain Vieilledent},
  title     = {forestatrisk: a {P}ython package for modelling and forecasting deforestation in the tropics},
  journal   = {{Journal of Open Source Software}},
  year      = {2021},
  volume    = {6},
  number    = {59},
  pages     = {2975},
  doi       = {10.21105/joss.02975},
  url       = {},
  publisher = {The Open Journal},