-, iso3, output_dir='.', gadm=True, srtm=True, wdpa=True, osm=True, forest=True)[source]¶
Download country geospatial data.
Function to download all the data for a specific country. It includes GEE forest data, GADM, OSM, SRTM, and WDPA data.
Added in version 1.2: The
parameter.Removed in version 1.2: The
parameters.- Parameters:
get_fcc_args – Dictionary of arguments for function
from Python packagegeefcc
. For example:{"aoi": "MTQ", "buff": 0.08983152841195216 , "years": [2000, 2010, 2020], "source": "tmf", "perc": 75, "tile_size": 1, "parallel": True, "ncpu": None, "output_file": "forest_MTQ.tiff"}
.iso3 – Country iso code used to download GADM, OSM, SRTM, and WDPA data. The iso code should correspond to the country to which the aoi provided in
belongs.output_dir – Directory where data is downloaded. Default to current working directory.
gadm – Toggle GADM data download.
srtm – Toggle SRTM data download.
wdpa – Toggle WDPA data download.
osm – Toggle OSM data download.
forest – Toggle forest data download.
-, output_file)[source]¶
Download GADM data for a country.
Download GADM (Global Administrative Areas) for a specific country. See
- Parameters:
iso3 – Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code.
output_file – Path to output GPKG file.
-, output_dir='.')[source]¶
Download OSM data for a country.
Download OpenStreetMap data from or for aspecific country.
- Parameters:
iso3 – Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code.
output_dir – Directory where data is downloaded. Default to current working directory.
-, output_dir='.')[source]¶
Download SRTM data for a country.
Download SRTM data (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission v4.1) from CSI-CGIAR for a specific country. This function uses the iso3 code to download the country borders (as a shapefile) from GADM. Download is skipped if the shapefile is already present. Country borders are used to identify the SRTM tiles to be downloaded.
- Parameters:
iso3 – Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code.
output_dir – Directory where data is downloaded. Default to current working directory.
-, output_dir='.')[source]¶
Download protected areas.
Protected areas come from the World Database on Protected Areas ( This function uses the
python package.- Parameters:
iso3 – Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code.
output_dir – Directory where shapefiles for protected areas are downloaded. Default to current working directory.
-, iso_code, temp_dir='data_raw', output_dir='data', proj='EPSG:3395', data_country=True, data_forest=True, keep_temp_dir=False)[source]¶
Process country geospatial data.
This function computes and formats the country data. Computations are done in a temporary directory where data have been downloaded (default to “data_raw”). Then data are copied to an output directory (default to “data”).
- Parameters:
aoi_code – Area of Interest isocode. Used for GADM.
iso_code – Country/state isocode. Used for WDPA and OSM.
temp_dir – Temporary directory for computation. Relative path to the current working directory.
output_dir – Output directory. Relative path to the current working directory.
proj – Projection definition (EPSG, PROJ.4, WKT) as in GDAL/OGR. Default to “EPSG:3395” (World Mercator).
data_country – Boolean to compute environmental variables for the country. Default to “True”.
data_forest – Boolean to compute forest variables. Default to “True”.
keep_temp_dir – Boolean to keep the temporary directory. Default to “False”.
-, extent, verbose=False)[source]¶
Compute aboveground biomass.
Using Avitabile et al. 2016 data.
- Parameters:
proj – Projection definition (EPSG, PROJ.4, WKT) as in GDAL/OGR. Used for reprojecting data.
extent – Extent (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) of output rasters.
verbose – Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to
-, input_dir='data_raw', output_dir='data', proj='EPSG:3395')[source]¶
Function to mosaic and resample biomass data from WHRC.
This function mosaics and resamples the biomass data obtained from GEE. A reprojection can be performed.
- Parameters:
iso3 – Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code.
input_dir – Directory with input files for biomass.
output_dir – Output directory.
proj – Projection definition (EPSG, PROJ.4, WKT) as in GDAL/OGR. Default to “EPSG:3395” (World Mercator).
-, dist_file, values=0, nodata=4294967295, input_nodata=False, verbose=True)[source]¶
Computing the shortest distance to pixels with given values in a raster file.
This function computes the shortest distance to pixels with given values in a raster file. Distances generated are in georeferenced coordinates.
- Parameters:
input_file – Input raster file.
dist_file – Path to the distance raster file that is created.
values – Values of the raster to compute the distance to. If several values, they must be separated with a comma in a string (eg. ‘0,1’). Default is 0.
nodata – NoData value for the output raster. Default is 4294967295 for UInt32.
input_nodata – Whether nodata pixels in the input raster should be nodata in the output raster (default to False).
verbose – Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to
- Returns:
None. A distance raster file is created (see
). Raster data type is UInt32 ([0, 4294967295]).
-, ofile, proj, buff, verbose=False)[source]¶
Processing GADM data.
Extract layers to a new GPKG file called “aoi_latlong.gpkg” (if it doesn’t exist yet) and reproject this file to output file. Layer names for country border and subjurisdictions are “aoi” (for “area of interest”) and “subj” respectively. The extent of the area of interest is returned with a buffer of 5 km.
- Parameters:
ifile – Path to input GADM or aoi GPKG file.
ofile – Path to aoi GPKG output file.
proj – Projection definition (EPSG, PROJ.4, WKT) as in GDAL/OGR. Used for reprojecting data.
buff – Buffer in meter (m) used to extend the extent.
verbose – Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to
-, extent, verbose=False)[source]¶
Compute distance to road, town, and river.
- Parameters:
proj – Projection definition (EPSG, PROJ.4, WKT) as in GDAL/OGR. Used for reprojecting data.
extent – Extent (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) of output rasters.
verbose – Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to
-, extent, verbose=False)[source]¶
Compute elevation and slope.
- Parameters:
proj – Projection definition (EPSG, PROJ.4, WKT) as in GDAL/OGR. Used for reprojecting data.
extent – Extent (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) of output rasters.
verbose – Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to
-, proj, extent, where=None, verbose=False)[source]¶
Process geospatial data on protected areas.
- Parameters:
iso – Country iso code.
where – SQL statement to filter features. Default to
"status="Designated" OR status="Inscribed" OR status="Established" OR (status="Proposed" AND CAST(SUBSTR(date,7,4) AS INTEGER) < 2010)"
proj – Projection definition (EPSG, PROJ.4, WKT) as in GDAL/OGR. Used for reprojecting data.
extent – Extent (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) of output rasters.
verbose – Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to
-, extent, verbose=False)[source]¶
Processing forest data.
- Parameters:
iso – Country iso code.
proj – Projection definition (EPSG, PROJ.4, WKT) as in GDAL/OGR. Used for reprojecting data.
extent – Extent (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) of output rasters.
verbose – Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to
-, input_dir='data_raw', output_dir='data', proj='EPSG:3395')[source]¶
Function to mosaic biomass images from WHRC.
This function mosaics the biomass data obtained from GEE. No reprojection is performed.
- Parameters:
iso3 – Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code.
input_dir – Directory with input files for biomass.
output_dir – Output directory.
proj – Projection definition (EPSG, PROJ.4, WKT) as in GDAL/OGR. Default to “EPSG:3395” (World Mercator).
- forestatrisk.sample(nsamp=10000, adapt=True, seed=1234, csize=10, var_dir='data', input_forest_raster='forest.tif', output_file='sample.txt', blk_rows=0, verbose=True)[source]¶
Sample points and extract raster values.
This function (i) randomly draws spatial points in deforested and forested areas and (ii) extract environmental variable values for each spatial point.
- Parameters:
nsamp – Number of random spatial points.
adapt – Boolean. Adapt
to forest area: 1000 for 1 Mha of forest, with min=10000 and max=50000. Default toTrue
.seed – Seed for random number generator.
csize – Spatial cell size in km.
var_dir – Directory with raster data.
input_forest_raster – Name of the forest raster file (1=forest, 0=deforested) in the var_dir directory.
output_file – Path to file to save sample points.
blk_rows – If > 0, number of lines per block.
verbose – Toogle progress bar.
- Returns:
A Pandas DataFrame, each row being one observation.
- forestatrisk.check_fcc(fcc_file, proj, nbands_min=3, blk_rows=0, verbose=True)[source]¶
Check forest cover change file.
The forest cover change file should have the following characteristics:
It must be a multiple band raster file with each band representing the forest cover at one date.
Bands must be ordered (first band for t, second band for t+1, etc.).
Raster should only have two values: 1 for forest pixels and 0 for non-forest pixels (the raster can thus be of type Byte).
The raster file should be projected in the coordinate reference system of the project.
The raster must cover at least all the area of the jurisdiction.
We check here conditions 1, 3, and 4. Other conditions must be checked by the user.
- Parameters:
fcc_file – Forest cover change file.
proj – Project’s projection.
nbands_min – Minimal number of bands.
blk_rows – If > 0, number of lines per block.
verbose – Toogle progress bar.
- forestatrisk.extent_shp(input_file)[source]¶
Compute the extent of a vector file.
Deprecated since version 1.2: Use
Will be removed in future versions.
This function computes the extent (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) of a shapefile.
- Parameters:
input_file – Path to the input vector file.
- Returns:
The extent as a tuple (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).