Source code for forestatrisk.predict.predict_raster

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ==============================================================================
# author          :Ghislain Vieilledent
# email ,
# web             :
# python_version  :>=2.7
# license         :GPLv3
# ==============================================================================

# Standard library imports
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 3 compatibility
from glob import glob
import os
import sys

# Third party imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from patsy import build_design_matrices
from osgeo import gdal

# Local application imports
from ..misc import rescale
from ..misc import progress_bar, makeblock

# predict_raster
[docs] def predict_raster( model, _x_design_info, var_dir="data", input_forest_raster="data/forest.tif", output_file="predictions.tif", blk_rows=128, verbose=True, ): """Predict the spatial probability of deforestation from a statistical model. This function predicts the spatial probability of deforestation from a statistical model. Computation are done by block and can be performed on large geographical areas. :param model: The model (glm, rf) to predict from. Must have a model.predict_proba() function. :param _x_design_info: Design matrix information from patsy. :param var_dir: Directory with rasters (.tif) of explicative variables. :param input_forest_raster: Path to forest raster (1 for forest). :param output_file: Name of the output raster file for predictions. :param blk_rows: If > 0, number of rows for computation by block. :param verbose: Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to ``True``. """ # Mask on forest fmaskR = gdal.Open(input_forest_raster) fmaskB = fmaskR.GetRasterBand(1) # Landscape variables from forest raster gt = fmaskR.GetGeoTransform() ncol = fmaskR.RasterXSize nrow = fmaskR.RasterYSize Xmin = gt[0] Xmax = gt[0] + gt[1] * ncol Ymin = gt[3] + gt[5] * nrow Ymax = gt[3] # Raster list var_tif = var_dir + "/*.tif" raster_list = glob(var_tif) raster_list.sort() # Sort names raster_names = [] for i in range(len(raster_list)): fname = os.path.basename(raster_list[i]) index_dot = fname.index(".") raster_names.append(fname[:index_dot]) var_names = raster_names var_names.extend(["X", "Y", "fmask"]) # Make vrt with gdalbuildvrt print("Make virtual raster with variables as raster bands") param = gdal.BuildVRTOptions( resolution="user", outputBounds=(Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax), xRes=gt[1], yRes=-gt[5], separate=True, ) gdal.BuildVRT("/vsimem/var.vrt", raster_list, options=param) stack = gdal.Open("/vsimem/var.vrt") nband = stack.RasterCount proj = stack.GetProjection() # List of nodata values bandND = np.zeros(nband) for k in range(nband): band = stack.GetRasterBand(k + 1) bandND[k] = band.GetNoDataValue() if (bandND[k] is None) or (bandND[k] is np.nan): print("NoData value is not specified for" " input raster file {}".format(k)) sys.exit(1) bandND = bandND.astype(np.float32) # Make blocks blockinfo = makeblock("/vsimem/var.vrt", blk_rows=blk_rows) nblock = blockinfo[0] nblock_x = blockinfo[1] x = blockinfo[3] y = blockinfo[4] nx = blockinfo[5] ny = blockinfo[6] print("Divide region in {} blocks".format(nblock)) # Raster of predictions print("Create a raster file on disk for projections") driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") Pdrv = driver.Create( output_file, ncol, nrow, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16, ["COMPRESS=LZW", "PREDICTOR=2", "BIGTIFF=YES"], ) Pdrv.SetGeoTransform(gt) Pdrv.SetProjection(proj) Pband = Pdrv.GetRasterBand(1) Pband.SetNoDataValue(0) # Predict by block # Message print("Predict deforestation probability by block") # Loop on blocks of data for b in range(nblock): # Progress bar if verbose: progress_bar(nblock, b + 1) # Position in 1D-arrays px = b % nblock_x py = b // nblock_x # Number of pixels npix = nx[px] * ny[py] # Data for one block of the stack (shape = (nband,nrow,ncol)) data = stack.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py]) # Replace ND values with -9999 for i in range(nband): data[i][np.nonzero(data[i] == bandND[i])] = -9999 # Coordinates of the center of the pixels of the block X_col = ( gt[0] + x[px] * gt[1] + (np.arange(nx[px]) + 0.5) * gt[1] ) # +0.5 for center of pixels X = np.repeat(X_col[np.newaxis, :], ny[py], axis=0) X = X[np.newaxis, :, :] Y_row = ( gt[3] + y[py] * gt[5] + (np.arange(ny[py]) + 0.5) * gt[5] ) # +0.5 for center of pixels Y = np.repeat(Y_row[:, np.newaxis], nx[px], axis=1) Y = Y[np.newaxis, :, :] # Forest mask fmaskA = fmaskB.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py]) fmaskA = fmaskA.astype(np.float32) # From uint to float fmaskA[np.nonzero(fmaskA != 1)] = -9999 fmaskA = fmaskA[np.newaxis, :, :] # Concatenate forest mask with stack data = np.concatenate((data, X, Y, fmaskA), axis=0) # Transpose and reshape to 2D array data = data.transpose(1, 2, 0) data = data.reshape(npix, nband + 3) # Observations without NA w = np.nonzero(~(data == -9999).any(axis=1)) # Remove observations with NA data = data[w] # Transform into a pandas DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.columns = var_names # Add fake cell column for _x_design_info df["cell"] = 0 # Predict pred = np.zeros(npix) # Initialize with nodata value (0) if len(w[0]) > 0: # Get X (x_new,) = build_design_matrices([_x_design_info], df) if "LogisticRegression" in str(model): X_new = x_new[:, :-1] else: X_new = x_new[:, 1:-1] # Get predictions into an array p = model.predict_proba(X_new)[:, 1] # Rescale and return to pred pred[w] = rescale(p) # Assign prediction to raster pred = pred.reshape(ny[py], nx[px]) Pband.WriteArray(pred, x[px], y[py]) # Compute statistics print("Compute statistics") Pband.FlushCache() # Write cache data to disk Pband.ComputeStatistics(False) # # Build overviews # print("Build overviews") # Pdrv.BuildOverviews("nearest", [4, 8, 16, 32]) # Dereference driver Pband = None del Pdrv
# End