plot_associations plot species-species associations
radius = 5,
main = NULL,
cex.main = NULL,
circleBreak = FALSE,
top = 10L,
occ = NULL,
env_effect = NULL,
cols_association = c("#FF0000", "#BF003F", "#7F007F", "#3F00BF", "#0000FF"),
cols_occurrence = c("#BEBEBE", "#8E8E8E", "#5F5F5F", "#2F2F2F", "#000000"),
cols_env_effect = c("#1B9E77", "#D95F02", "#7570B3", "#E7298A", "#66A61E", "#E6AB02",
"#A6761D", "#666666"),
lwd_occurrence = 1,
species_order = "abundance",
species_indices = NULL
matrix of correlation \(R\)
circle's radius
title's character size. NULL and NA are equivalent to 1.0.
circle break or not
number of top negative and positive associations to consider
species occurence data
environmental species effects \(\beta\)
color gradient for association lines
color gradient for species
color gradient for environmental effect
lwd for occurrence lines
order species according to :
"abundance" | their mean abundance at sites by default) |
"frequency" | the number of sites where they occur |
"main environmental effect" | their most important environmental coefficients |
indices for sorting species
No return value. Displays species-species associations.
After fitting the jSDM with latent variables, the fullspecies residual correlation matrix : \(R=(R_{ij})\) with \(i=1,\ldots, n_{species}\) and \(j=1,\ldots, n_{species}\) can be derived from the covariance in the latent variables such as : can be derived from the covariance in the latent variables such as : \(\Sigma_{ij}=\lambda_i' .\lambda_j\), in the case of a regression with probit, logit or poisson link function and
\(\Sigma_{ij}\) | \(= \lambda_i' .\lambda_j + V\) | if i=j |
\(= \lambda_i' .\lambda_j\) | else, |
this function represents the correlations computed from covariances : $$R_{ij} = \frac{\Sigma_{ij}}{\sqrt{\Sigma_ii\Sigma _jj}}$$.
Pichler M. and Hartig F. (2021) A new method for faster and more accurate inference of species associations from big community data.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12, 2159-2173 doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13687
# frogs data
data(mites, package="jSDM")
# Arranging data
PA_mites <- mites[,1:35]
# Normalized continuous variables
Env_mites <- cbind(mites[,36:38], scale(mites[,39:40]))
colnames(Env_mites) <- colnames(mites[,36:40])
Env_mites <- as.data.frame(Env_mites)
# Parameter inference
# Increase the number of iterations to reach MCMC convergence
mod <- jSDM_poisson_log(# Response variable
# Explanatory variables
site_formula = ~ water + topo + density,
site_data = Env_mites,
# Chains
# Starting values
# Priors
shape=0.5, rate=0.0005,
mu_beta=0, V_beta=10,
mu_lambda=0, V_lambda=10,
# Various
seed=1234, verbose=1)
#> Running the Gibbs sampler. It may be long, please keep cool :)
#> **********:10.0%, mean accept. rates= beta:0.206 lambda:0.191 W:0.331 alpha:0.216
#> **********:20.0%, mean accept. rates= beta:0.245 lambda:0.229 W:0.254 alpha:0.201
#> **********:30.0%, mean accept. rates= beta:0.326 lambda:0.286 W:0.282 alpha:0.261
#> **********:40.0%, mean accept. rates= beta:0.344 lambda:0.344 W:0.366 alpha:0.354
#> **********:50.0%, mean accept. rates= beta:0.400 lambda:0.397 W:0.378 alpha:0.389
#> **********:60.0%, mean accept. rates= beta:0.409 lambda:0.438 W:0.408 alpha:0.410
#> **********:70.0%, mean accept. rates= beta:0.404 lambda:0.428 W:0.397 alpha:0.394
#> **********:80.0%, mean accept. rates= beta:0.412 lambda:0.414 W:0.388 alpha:0.429
#> **********:90.0%, mean accept. rates= beta:0.435 lambda:0.425 W:0.386 alpha:0.433
#> **********:100.0%, mean accept. rates= beta:0.412 lambda:0.424 W:0.382 alpha:0.425
# Calcul of residual correlation between species
R <- get_residual_cor(mod)$cor.mean
plot_associations(R, circleBreak = TRUE, occ = PA_mites, species_order="abundance")
# Average of MCMC samples of species enrironmental effect beta except the intercept
env_effect <- t(sapply(mod$mcmc.sp,
colMeans)[grep("beta_", colnames(mod$mcmc.sp[[1]]))[-1],])
colnames(env_effect) <- gsub("beta_", "", colnames(env_effect))
plot_associations(R, env_effect = env_effect, species_order="main env_effect")