Source code for riskmapjnr.makemap

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ==============================================================================
# author          :Ghislain Vieilledent
# email ,
# web             :
# python_version  :>=3
# license         :GPLv3
# ==============================================================================

import os
import shutil
import multiprocessing as mp

# Third party imports
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Local application imports
from .misc import make_dir
from . import dist_edge_threshold, local_defor_rate, set_defor_cat_zero
from . import defor_cat, defrate_per_cat, validation
from . import dist_values, get_ldefz_v, get_riskmap_v

# Function for computing by window size
def makemap_ws(i, win_size, fcc_file, time_interval, dist_file, dist_v_file,
               dist_edge_thresh, calval_dir, ncat, methods, meth, n_m,
               csize, nqe, figsize, dpi, blk_rows, verbose):
    """Internal function for parallel computing."""

    # Window size
    s = win_size

    # Output files depending only on window size
    ldefrate_file = os.path.join(calval_dir, f"ldefrate_ws{s}.tif")
    ldefrate_with_zero_file = os.path.join(calval_dir,
    ldefzv_file = os.path.join(calval_dir, f"ldefrate_with_zero_ws{s}_v.tif")

    # Local deforestation rates
        defor_values=1,  # First period

    # Pixels with zero risk of deforestation

    # ldefz_v

    # wRMSE list
    wRMSE_list = []

    # Loop on slicing methods
    for j in range(n_m):
        # Method
        m = meth[j]
        mm = methods[j]
        # Message
        if verbose:
            imod = i * n_m + j
            print(f".. Model {imod}: window size = {s}, "
                  f"slicing method = {m}.")
        # Output files
        riskmap_file = os.path.join(calval_dir,
        riskmap_v_file = os.path.join(calval_dir, f"riskmap_ws{s}_{m}_v.tif")
        tab_file_defrate = os.path.join(calval_dir,
        tab_file_pred = os.path.join(calval_dir, f"pred_obs_ws{s}_{m}.csv")
        fig_file_pred = os.path.join(calval_dir, f"pred_obs_ws{s}_{m}.png")
        # Categories of deforestation risk
        bins = defor_cat(
        # Compute deforestation rates per cat
        # Risk map for validation period
        # Validation
        val = validation(

    # Return iteration and wRMSE
    return (i, wRMSE_list, val["ncell"], val["csize_km"])

# makemap
[docs] def makemap(fcc_file, time_interval, output_dir="outputs", clean=False, dist_bins=np.arange(0, 1080, step=30), win_sizes=[5, 11], ncat=30, methods=["Equal Interval", "Equal Area"], csize=300, no_quantity_error=False, parallel=False, ncpu=None, figsize=(6.4, 4.8), dpi=100, blk_rows=128, verbose=True): """Make maps of deforestation risk and select the best. This function peforms all the necessary steps to obtain a map of the deforestation risk following the JNR methodology. :param fcc_file: Input raster file of forest cover change at three dates (123). 1: first period deforestation, 2: second period deforestation, 3: remaining forest at the end of the second period. No data value must be 0 (zero). The raster must be projected to compute Euclidean distances with the ``gdal_proximity()`` function. :param time_interval: A list of two numbers. Time interval (in years) for forest cover change observations for the two periods of time. :param output_dir: Output directory for files (rasters, tables, and figures) produced by calling the ``makemap()`` function: * ``calval``: A directory for files produced during the calibration and validation steps: + ``dist_edge_cal.tif``: Raster of distance to forest edge at the start of the calibration period (same as ``dist_edge.tif``). + ``perc_dist_cal.csv``: Table of cumulative deforestation with distance to forest edge for the calibration period. + ``perc_dist_cal.png``: Figure of cumulative deforestation with distance to forest edge for the calibration period. + ``ldefrate_ws{s}.tif``: Rasters of local deforestation rates for each window size ``s`` for the calibration period. + ``ldefrate_with_zero_ws{s}.tif``: Rasters of local deforestation rates with zero category for each window size ``s`` for the calibration period. + ``riskmap_ws{s}_{m}.tif``: Riskmaps with categories of deforestation risk for each window size ``s`` and slicing method ``m`` for the calibration period. + ``defrate_per_cat_ws{s}_{m}.csv``: Tables of deforestation rate per category of deforestation risk for each window size ``s`` and slicing method ``m`` for the calibration period. + ``dist_edge_v.tif``: Raster of distance to forest edge at the start of the validation period. + ``ldefrate_with_zero_ws{s}_v.tif``: Rasters of local deforestation rates with zero category for each window size ``s`` at the start of the validation period. + ``riskmap_ws{s}_{m}_v.tif``: Riskmaps with categories of deforestation risk for each window size ``s`` and slicing method ``m`` at the start of the validation period. + ``pred_obs_ws{s}_{m}.csv``: Tables of predictions vs. observations for each window size ``s`` and slicing method ``m`` for the validation period. + ``pred_obs_ws{s}_{m}.png``: Figures of predictions vs. observations for each window size ``s`` and slicing method ``m`` for the validation period. * ``modcomp``: A directory containing files for model comparison: + ``pred_obs_ws{s}_{m}.csv``: Table of predictions vs. observations for the validation period for the best model with window size ``s`` and slicing method ``m``. + ``pred_obs_ws{s}_{m}.png``: Figure of predictions vs. observations for the validation period for the best model with window size ``s`` and slicing method ``m``. + ``mod_comp.csv``: Table for relationship between wRMSE and window size by slicing method. + ``mod_comp.png``: Figure for relationship between wRMSE and window size by slicing method. * ``fullhist``: A directory containing files for the full historical period (historical period = calibration period + validation period): + ``dist_edge.tif``: Raster file of distance to forest edge at the start of the historical period (corresponding to start of calibration period). + ``perc_dist.csv``: Table of cumulative deforestation with distance to forest edge for the historical period. + ``perc_dist.png``: Figure of cumulative deforestation with distance to forest edge for the historical period. + ``ldefrate_ws{s}.tif``: Raster of local deforestation rates for the best model with window size ``s`` for the historical period. + ``ldefrate_with_zero_ws{s}.tif``: Raster of local deforestation rates with zero category for the best model with window size ``s`` for the historical period. + ``riskmap_ws{s}_{m}.tif``: Riskmap with categories of deforestation risk using the best model with window size ``s`` and slicing method ``m`` at the start of the historical period. + ``defrate_per_cat_ws{s}_{m}.csv``: Table of deforestation rate per category of deforestation risk for the best model with window size ``s`` and slicing method ``m`` for the historical period. * ``endval``: A directory containing files at the end of the validation period that can be used for future projections: + ``dist_edge_ev.tif``: Raster of distance to forest edge at the end of the validation period. + ``ldefrate_with_zero_ws{s}_ev.tif``: Raster of local deforestation probability with zero category for the best model with window size ``s`` at the end of the validation period. + ``riskmap_ws{s}_{m}_ev.tif``: Riskmap with categories of deforestation risk for the best model with window size ``s`` and slicing method ``m`` at the end of the validation period. :param clean: Logical. Delete the ``calval`` directory at the end of the computation. Default to False. :param dist_bins: Array of bins for distances. It has to be 1-dimensional and monotonic. The array must also include zero as the first value. Default to ``np.arange(0, 1080, step=30)``. :param win_sizes: A list of numbers representing the different sizes of the moving window in number of cells. Must be odd numbers lower or equal to ``blk_rows``. Default to [5, 11]. :param ncat: Number of deforestation risk categories (zero risk class excluded). Default to 30. :param methods: Methods used for categorizing. Either "Equal Interval" (abbreviated "ei"), "Equal Area" ("ea"), or "Natural Breaks" ("nb"). :param csize: Spatial cell size in number of pixels. Must correspond to a distance < 10 km. Default to 300 corresponding to 9 km for a 30 m resolution raster. :param no_quantity_error: Correct the deforestation rates to avoid a "quantity" error on deforestation due to differences in total deforestation between first and second periods. This point is being discussed to improve the JNR methodology. :param parallel: Logical. Parallel (if ``True``) or sequential (if ``False``) computing. Default to ``False``. :param ncpu: Number of CPUs for parallel computing. :param figsize: Figure sizes. :param dpi: Resolution for output images. :param blk_rows: If > 0, number of rows for computation by block. :param verbose: Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to ``True``. :return: A dictionary. With: * ``tot_def``: total deforestation (in ha) during the entire historical period. * ``dist_thresh``: the distance threshold. * ``perc``: the percentage of deforestation for pixels with distance <= dist_thresh. * ``ncell``: the number of grid cells with forest cover > 0 at the beginning of the validation period. * ``csize``: the cell size in number of pixels. * ``csize_km``: the cell size in kilometers. * ``no_quantity_error``: no_quantity_error argument. * ``ws_hat``: window size of the best risk map. * ``m_hat``: slicing method of the best risk map. * ``wRMSE_hat``: weighted Root Mean Squared Error (in hectares) of the best risk map. """ # ========================== # Calibration and validation # ========================== # Message if verbose: print("Model calibration and validation") # Create output directories make_dir(os.path.join(output_dir, "calval")) make_dir(os.path.join(output_dir, "modcomp")) make_dir(os.path.join(output_dir, "fullhist")) make_dir(os.path.join(output_dir, "endval")) # Output files for calibration and validation calval_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "calval") dist_file = os.path.join(calval_dir, "dist_edge_cal.tif") dist_v_file = os.path.join(calval_dir, "dist_edge_val.tif") tab_file_dist = os.path.join(calval_dir, "perc_dist_cal.csv") fig_file_dist = os.path.join(calval_dir, "perc_dist_cal.png") # Output files for model comparison modcomp_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "modcomp") tab_file_map_comp = os.path.join(modcomp_dir, "mod_comp.csv") fig_file_map_comp = os.path.join(modcomp_dir, "mod_comp.png") # Abbreviations for methods meth = pd.Series(methods) meth.loc[meth == "Equal Interval"] = "ei" meth.loc[meth == "Equal Area"] = "ea" meth.loc[meth == "Natural Breaks"] = "nb" meth = meth.tolist() # Dataframe to save validation results n_ws = len(win_sizes) n_m = len(methods) n_mod = n_ws*n_m data = {"mod_id": list(range(n_mod)), "ws": np.repeat(win_sizes, n_m), "m": meth * n_ws, "wRMSE": 0} df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Deforestation risk and distance to forest edge dist_edge_thresh = dist_edge_threshold( fcc_file=fcc_file, defor_values=1, # First period dist_file=dist_file, dist_bins=dist_bins, tab_file_dist=tab_file_dist, fig_file_dist=fig_file_dist, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, blk_rows=blk_rows, verbose=False) # Distance to forest edge for validation dist_values( input_file=fcc_file, dist_file=dist_v_file, values="0,1", verbose=False) # Sequential computing if parallel is False: # Loop on window sizes for i in range(n_ws): s = win_sizes[i] ii, wRMSE_list, ncell, csize_km = makemap_ws( i, s, fcc_file, time_interval, dist_file, dist_v_file, dist_edge_thresh, calval_dir, ncat, methods, meth, n_m, csize, no_quantity_error, figsize, dpi, blk_rows, verbose) df.loc[df["ws"] == s, "wRMSE"] = wRMSE_list # Parallel computing if parallel is True: pool = mp.Pool(processes=ncpu) args = [(i, s, fcc_file, time_interval, dist_file, dist_v_file, dist_edge_thresh, calval_dir, ncat, methods, meth, n_m, csize, no_quantity_error, figsize, dpi, blk_rows, verbose) for i, s in enumerate(win_sizes)] res = pool.starmap_async(makemap_ws, args).get() ncell = res[0][2] csize_km = res[0][3] wRMSE_obj = [r[1] for r in res] df.loc[:, "wRMSE"] = np.array(wRMSE_obj).flatten() pool.close() pool.join() # Export the table of results df.to_csv(tab_file_map_comp, sep=",", header=True, index=False, index_label=False) # Plot of wRMSE fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) df.set_index("ws", inplace=True) df.groupby("m")["wRMSE"].plot(legend=True) plt.xlabel("Window size (pixels)") plt.ylabel("wRMSE (ha)") fig.savefig(fig_file_map_comp) plt.close(fig) # Identifying the best model wRMSE_hat = df["wRMSE"].min() df_hat = df[df["wRMSE"] == wRMSE_hat] ws_hat = df_hat.index[0] m_hat = df_hat["m"].iloc[0] # ============================================ # Deriving risk map for full historical period # ============================================ # Message if verbose: print("Deriving risk map for full historical period") # Set s and m optimal values s = ws_hat m = m_hat if m == "ei": mm = "Equal Interval" elif m == "ea": mm = "Equal Area" else: mm = "Natural Breaks" # Copy pred_obs tab_file_pred_cal = os.path.join(calval_dir, f"pred_obs_ws{s}_{m}.csv") fig_file_pred_cal = os.path.join(calval_dir, f"pred_obs_ws{s}_{m}.png") tab_file_pred = os.path.join(modcomp_dir, f"pred_obs_ws{s}_{m}.csv") fig_file_pred = os.path.join(modcomp_dir, f"pred_obs_ws{s}_{m}.png") shutil.copy2(tab_file_pred_cal, tab_file_pred) shutil.copy2(fig_file_pred_cal, fig_file_pred) # Output files for full historical period fullhist_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "fullhist") dist_file = os.path.join(fullhist_dir, "dist_edge.tif") tab_file_dist = os.path.join(fullhist_dir, "perc_dist.csv") fig_file_dist = os.path.join(fullhist_dir, "perc_dist.png") ldefrate_file = os.path.join(fullhist_dir, f"ldefrate_ws{s}.tif") ldefrate_with_zero_file = os.path.join(fullhist_dir, f"ldefrate_with_zero_ws{s}.tif") riskmap_file = os.path.join(fullhist_dir, f"riskmap_ws{s}_{m}.tif") tab_file_defrate = os.path.join(fullhist_dir, f"defrate_per_cat_ws{s}_{m}.csv") # Deforestation risk and distance to forest edge dist_edge_thresh = dist_edge_threshold( fcc_file=fcc_file, defor_values=[1, 2], # Two periods dist_file=dist_file, dist_bins=dist_bins, tab_file_dist=tab_file_dist, fig_file_dist=fig_file_dist, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, blk_rows=blk_rows, verbose=False) # Local deforestation rates local_defor_rate( fcc_file=fcc_file, defor_values=[1, 2], # Two periods ldefrate_file=ldefrate_file, win_size=s, time_interval=np.array(time_interval).sum(), blk_rows=blk_rows, verbose=False) # Pixels with zero risk of deforestation set_defor_cat_zero( ldefrate_file=ldefrate_file, dist_file=dist_file, dist_thresh=dist_edge_thresh["dist_thresh"], ldefrate_with_zero_file=ldefrate_with_zero_file, blk_rows=blk_rows, verbose=False) # Categories of deforestation risk bins = defor_cat( ldefrate_with_zero_file=ldefrate_with_zero_file, riskmap_file=riskmap_file, ncat=ncat, method=mm, blk_rows=blk_rows, verbose=False) # Compute deforestation rates per cat defrate_per_cat( fcc_file, defor_values=[1, 2], riskmap_file=riskmap_file, time_interval=np.array(time_interval).sum(), tab_file_defrate=tab_file_defrate, blk_rows=blk_rows, verbose=False) # ============================== # End of validation period (_ev) # ============================== # Output files for end of validation period endval_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "endval") dist_ev_file = os.path.join(endval_dir, "dist_edge_ev.tif") ldefz_ev_file = os.path.join(endval_dir, f"ldefrate_with_zero_ws{s}_ev.tif") riskmap_ev_file = os.path.join(endval_dir, f"riskmap_ws{s}_{m}_ev.tif") # Distance to forest edge for validation dist_values( input_file=fcc_file, dist_file=dist_ev_file, values="0,1,2", # Two periods verbose=False) # ldefz_v get_ldefz_v( ldefrate_file=ldefrate_file, dist_v_file=dist_v_file, dist_thresh=dist_edge_thresh["dist_thresh"], ldefrate_with_zero_v_file=ldefz_ev_file, blk_rows=blk_rows, verbose=False) # Risk map for validation period get_riskmap_v( ldefrate_with_zero_v_file=ldefz_ev_file, bins=bins, riskmap_v_file=riskmap_ev_file, blk_rows=blk_rows, verbose=False) # Cleaning if clean: if verbose: # Message print("Cleaning files") shutil.rmtree("calval") # Return return {'tot_def': dist_edge_thresh["tot_def"], 'dist_thresh': dist_edge_thresh["dist_thresh"], 'perc_thresh': dist_edge_thresh["perc_thresh"], 'ncell': ncell, 'csize': csize, 'csize_km': csize_km, 'no_quantity_error': no_quantity_error, 'ws_hat': ws_hat, 'm_hat': m_hat, 'wRMSE_hat': wRMSE_hat}
# Test # r_makemap = makemap( # fcc_file="data/fcc123_GLP.tif", # time_interval=[10, 10], # output_dir="outputs_get_started", # clean=False, # dist_bins=np.arange(0, 1080, step=30), # win_sizes=np.arange(5, 50, 6), # ncat=30, # parallel = False # methods=["Equal Interval", "Equal Area"], # csize=40, # no_quantity_error = True # figsize=(6.4, 4.8), # dpi=100, # blk_rows=128, # verbose=True) # fcc_file = "data/fcc123_GLP.tif" # time_interval = [10, 10] # output_dir = "outputs_get_started" # clean = False # dist_bins = np.arange(0, 1080, step=30) # win_sizes = np.arange(5, 50, 6) # ncat = 30 # parallel = False # methods = ["Equal Interval", "Equal Area"] # csize = 40 # no_quantity_error = True # figsize = (6.4, 4.8) # dpi = 100 # blk_rows = 128 # verbose = True # End