#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ==============================================================================
# author :Ghislain Vieilledent
# email :ghislain.vieilledent@cirad.fr, ghislainv@gmail.com
# web :https://ecology.ghislainv.fr
# python_version :>=3
# license :GPLv3
# ==============================================================================
import os
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
import scipy.ndimage
from .misc import progress_bar, rescale
# local_defor_rate
def local_defor_rate(fcc_file, defor_values, ldefrate_file, win_size,
time_interval, rescale_min_val=2,
rescale_max_val=10000, blk_rows=128,
"""Computing the local deforestation rate using a moving window.
This function computes the local deforestation rate using a moving
window. SciPy is used for the focal analysis. The
``uniform_filter`` is used over the ``generic_filter``. The
``generic_filter`` is 40 times slower than the strides implemented
in the ``uniform_filter``. For cells on the edge of the raster,
the local deforestation rate is computed from a lower number of
existing cells in the moving window using ``mode='constant'`` and
:param fcc_file: Input raster file of forest cover change at
three dates (123). 1: first period deforestation, 2: second
period deforestation, 3: remaining forest at the end of the
second period. NoData value must be 0 (zero).
:param defor_values: Raster values to consider for
deforestation. Must correspond to either scalar 1 if first
period, or list [1, 2] if both first and second period are
:param ldefrate_file: Output raster file.
:param win_size: Size of the moving window in number of
cells. Must be an odd number lower or equal to ``blk_rows``.
:param time_interval: Time interval (in years) for forest cover
change observations.
:param rescale_min_val: Integer. Minimal value for rescaling. Down
to 1. Default to 1.
:param rescale_max_val: Integer. Maximal value for rescaling. Up
to 65535. Default to 10000.
:param blk_rows: Number of rows for block. Must be greater or
equal to ``win_size``. This is used to break lage raster files
in several blocks of data that can be hold in memory.
:param verbose: Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default
to ``True``.
:return: None. A raster with the local deforestation rate will be
created (see ``ldefrate_file``). Data range from 1 to
10000. Raster type is UInt16 ([0, 65535]). NoData value is set
to 65535.
# Check win_size
win_size = int(win_size) # Must be int for uniform_filter
if (win_size % 2) == 0:
msg = "'win_size' must be an odd number."
raise ValueError(msg)
if win_size > blk_rows:
msg = "'win_size' must be lower or equal to 'blk_rows'."
raise ValueError(msg)
# Get raster data
in_ds = gdal.Open(fcc_file)
in_band = in_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
# Raster size
xsize = in_band.XSize
ysize = in_band.YSize
# Create output raster file
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
if os.path.isfile(ldefrate_file):
out_ds = driver.Create(ldefrate_file, xsize, ysize, 1,
out_band = out_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
# Iteration
iter_block = 0
# Loop on blocks of data
for i in range(0, ysize, blk_rows):
# Progress bar
nblock = (ysize // blk_rows) + 1
iter_block = iter_block + 1
if verbose:
progress_bar(nblock, iter_block)
# Extra lines at the bottom and top
extra_lines = win_size // 2
# Compute y offset and line numbers
# For the condition, think in terms of cell index (starting from 0),
# not cell number (starting from 1).
if (i + blk_rows + 2 * extra_lines - 1) < ysize:
rows = blk_rows + 2 * extra_lines
rows = ysize - i + extra_lines
yoff = max(0, i - extra_lines)
# Read block data
in_data = in_band.ReadAsArray(0, yoff, xsize, rows)
# defor (during period)
defor_data = np.zeros(in_data.shape, int)
defor_data[np.isin(in_data, defor_values)] = 1
# Use uniform filter to get the mean then multiply to obtain the sum
win_defor = scipy.ndimage.uniform_filter(
defor_data, size=win_size, mode="constant", cval=0,
output=float) * (win_size ** 2)
# Round to nearest int to remove approximation due to float precision
win_defor = np.rint(win_defor).astype(int)
# for (start of first period)
for_data = np.zeros(in_data.shape, int)
w = np.where(in_data > 0)
for_data[w] = 1
# Use uniform filter to get the mean then multiply to obtain the sum
win_for = scipy.ndimage.uniform_filter(
for_data, size=win_size, mode="constant", cval=0,
output=float) * (win_size ** 2)
# Round to nearest inter to remove approximation due to float precision
win_for = np.rint(win_for).astype(int)
# Annual deforestation rate
out_data = np.zeros(in_data.shape, int)
theta = 1 - (1 - win_defor[w] / win_for[w]) ** (1 / time_interval)
# Rescale
out_data[w] = rescale(theta, rescale_min_val, rescale_max_val)
if yoff == 0:
out_band.WriteArray(out_data[(extra_lines):], 0,
yoff + extra_lines)
# Closing
cb = gdal.TermProgress_nocb if verbose else 0
out_band.ComputeStatistics(False, cb)
del out_ds, in_ds
# # Test
# ws = 7
# local_defor_rate(fcc_file="data/fcc123_GLP.tif",
# ldefrate_file="outputs/ldefrate_ws{}.tif".format(ws),
# win_size=ws,
# time_interval=10,
# blk_rows=100)
# End