Source code for riskmapjnr.defor_cat

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ==============================================================================
# author          :Ghislain Vieilledent
# email ,
# web             :
# python_version  :>=3
# license         :GPLv3
# ==============================================================================

import os

import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
import pandas as pd

from .misc import progress_bar, makeblock

# defor_cat
[docs] def defor_cat(ldefrate_with_zero_file, riskmap_file="riskmap.tif", ncat=30, method="Equal Area", blk_rows=128, verbose=True): """Categorizing local deforestation rates. This function categorizes the deforestation risk from the map of local deforestation rates. This function assumes that pixels with zero deforestation risk have been previously identified (see function ``set_defor_cat_zero()``). Three categorization methods can be used, either "Equal Area", "Equal Interval", or "Natural Breaks". When "Equal Area" is used, the classes with a risk > 0 have approximately the same surface area. When "Equal Interval" is used, some risk classes will predominate in the risk map while other classes will be present only in small areas. When "Natural Breaks" is used, the data is normalized before running the slicing algorithm. :param ldefrate_with_zero_file: Input raster file of local deforestation rates. Deforestation rates are defined by integer values between 1 and 10000 (ten thousand)). Pixels with zero deforestation risk (beyond a given distance from the forest edge) have value 0. This file is typically obtained with function ``set_defor_cat_zero()``. :param riskmap_file: Output raster file with categories of deforestation risk. :param ncat: Number of deforestation risk categories (zero risk class excluded). Default to 30. :param method: Method used for categorizing. Either "Equal Interval", "Equal Area", or "Natural Breaks". :param blk_rows: If > 0, number of rows for computation by block. :param verbose: Logical. Whether to print messages or not. Default to ``True``. :return: Bins used to categorize the deforestation risk. A raster file with deforestation categories is created (see ``riskmap_file``). Data range from 0 to 30. Raster type is Byte ([0, 255]). NoData value is set to 255. """ # ============================================================== # Input raster # ============================================================== # Get catzero (catzero) raster data catzero_ds = gdal.Open(ldefrate_with_zero_file) catzero_band = catzero_ds.GetRasterBand(1) # Raster size xsize = catzero_band.XSize ysize = catzero_band.YSize # Make blocks blockinfo = makeblock(ldefrate_with_zero_file, blk_rows=blk_rows) nblock = blockinfo[0] nblock_x = blockinfo[1] x = blockinfo[3] y = blockinfo[4] nx = blockinfo[5] ny = blockinfo[6] # ============================================== # Categorical raster file for deforestation risk # ============================================== # Create categorical (cat) raster file for deforestation risk driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") if os.path.isfile(riskmap_file): os.remove(riskmap_file) cat_ds = driver.Create(riskmap_file, xsize, ysize, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte, ["COMPRESS=LZW", "PREDICTOR=2", "BIGTIFF=YES"]) cat_ds.SetProjection(catzero_ds.GetProjection()) cat_ds.SetGeoTransform(catzero_ds.GetGeoTransform()) cat_band = cat_ds.GetRasterBand(1) cat_band.SetNoDataValue(255) # ================= # Compute bins # ================= # Equal Interval if method == "Equal Interval": bin_size = (10000 - 1) / ncat bins = [1 + i * bin_size for i in range(ncat)] bins = np.rint([0] + bins + [10000]).astype(int) # Equal Area if method == "Equal Area": # Compute histogram nvalues = 10000 counts = catzero_band.GetHistogram(0.5, 10000.5, nvalues, 0, 0) npix = sum(counts) # Percentage perc = np.array(counts) / npix # Cumulative percentage cum_perc = np.cumsum(perc) # Correction of the approximation for last value cum_perc[-1] = 1.0 # Quantiles q = [i * 1 / ncat for i in range(1, ncat + 1)] # len(q)=30 # Bins bins = [0, 1] # Loop on quantiles for qi in q: comp = (cum_perc <= qi) sum_comp = np.sum(comp) if sum_comp > 1: bins.append(sum_comp) # Remove duplicate bins = list(np.unique(bins)) # Replace last bin value 10000 by 10001 to include 10000 in # last category with pd.cut(right=False). bins[-1] = 10001 # ================= # Categorizing # ================= # Loop on blocks of data for b in range(nblock): # Progress bar if verbose: progress_bar(nblock, b + 1) # Position px = b % nblock_x py = b // nblock_x # Data catzero_data = catzero_band.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py]) # Categorize cat_data = pd.cut(catzero_data.flatten(), bins=bins, labels=False, include_lowest=True, right=False) cat_data[np.isnan(cat_data)] = 255 cat_data = cat_data.reshape(catzero_data.shape) # Write to file cat_band.WriteArray(cat_data, x[px], y[py]) # Compute statistics cat_band.FlushCache() cb = gdal.TermProgress_nocb if verbose else 0 cat_band.ComputeStatistics(False, cb) # Dereference drivers cat_band = None del cat_ds, catzero_ds return bins
# # Test # ldefrate_with_zero_file = "outputs_steps/ldefrate_with_zero.tif" # riskmap_file = "outputs_steps/riskmap.tif" # ncat = 30 # method = "Equal Area" # blk_rows = 128 # defor_cat(ldefrate_with_zero_file, # riskmap_file="outputs/riskmap_equal_interval.tif", # ncat=30, # method="Equal Interval", # blk_rows=128) # defor_cat(ldefrate_with_zero_file, # riskmap_file="outputs/riskmap_equal_area.tif", # ncat=30, # method="Equal Area", # blk_rows=128) # End