ForestAtRisk Tropics

This notebook provides a minimal and reproducible example for the following scientific article:

Vieilledent G., C. Vancutsem, C. Bourgoin, P. Ploton, P. Verley, and F. Achard. Spatial scenario of tropical deforestation and carbon emissions for the 21st century. bioRxiv. [doi:10.1101/2022.03.22.485306]. Manuscript. Supplementary Information.

We use the Guadeloupe archipelago as a case study.

# Imports
import os
import re
from shutil import copy2

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from patsy import dmatrices
import pickle
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss

import forestatrisk as far
# forestatrisk: modelling and forecasting deforestation in the tropics.

We create a directory to hold the outputs with the help of the function .make_dir().

# Make output directory

1. Data

1.1 Import and unzip the data

import urllib.request
from zipfile import ZipFile

# Source of the data
url = ""

if os.path.exists("") is False:
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, "")
    with ZipFile("", "r") as z:

1.2 Files

The data folder includes:

  • Forest cover change data for the period 2010-2020 as a GeoTiff raster file (data/fcc23.tif).

  • Spatial explanatory variables as GeoTiff raster files (.tif extension, eg. data/dist_edge.tif for distance to forest edge).

  • Additional folders: forest, forecast, and emissions, with forest cover change for different periods of time, explanatory variables at different dates used for projections in the future, and forest carbon data for computing carbon emissions.

# Plot forest
fig_fcc23 = far.plot.fcc(
    linewidth=0.3, dpi=500)

1.3 Sampling the observations

# Sample points
dataset = far.sample(nsamp=10000, adapt=True, seed=1234, csize=10,
Sample 2x 10000 pixels (deforested vs. forest)
Divide region in 168 blocks
Compute number of deforested and forest pixels per block
Draw blocks at random
Draw pixels at random in blocks
Compute center of pixel coordinates
Compute number of 10 x 10 km spatial cells
... 99 cells (9 x 11)
Identify cell number from XY coordinates
Make virtual raster with variables as raster bands
Extract raster values for selected pixels
Export results to file output/sample.txt
# Remove NA from data-set (otherwise scale() and
# model_binomial_iCAR doesn't work)
dataset = dataset.dropna(axis=0)
# Set number of trials to one for far.model_binomial_iCAR()
dataset["trial"] = 1
# Print the first five rows
   altitude  dist_defor  dist_edge  dist_river  dist_road  dist_town  fcc23  \
0      30.0       642.0       30.0      8448.0     1485.0     6364.0    0.0
1      37.0       765.0       30.0      8583.0     1697.0     6576.0    0.0
2      78.0       216.0       30.0      7722.0      949.0     5743.0    0.0
3      80.0       277.0       30.0      8168.0     1172.0     6047.0    0.0
4      46.0        30.0       30.0      6179.0      541.0     6690.0    0.0

    pa  slope          X          Y  cell  trial
0  0.0    8.0 -6842295.0  1851975.0   4.0      1
1  0.0    7.0 -6842235.0  1852095.0   4.0      1
2  0.0    5.0 -6842535.0  1851195.0   4.0      1
3  0.0    2.0 -6842445.0  1851615.0   4.0      1
4  0.0    1.0 -6840465.0  1849755.0   4.0      1
# Sample size
ndefor = sum(dataset.fcc23 == 0)
nfor = sum(dataset.fcc23 == 1)
with open("output/sample_size.csv", "w") as f:
    f.write("var, n\n")
    f.write("ndefor, " + str(ndefor) + "\n")
    f.write("nfor, " + str(nfor) + "\n")
print("ndefor = {}, nfor = {}".format(ndefor, nfor))
ndefor = 9923, nfor = 9979

1.4 Correlation plots

# Correlation formula
formula_corr = "fcc23 ~ dist_road + dist_town + dist_river + \
dist_defor + dist_edge + altitude + slope - 1"

# Output file
of = "output/correlation.pdf"
# Data
y, data = dmatrices(formula_corr, data=dataset,
# Plots
figs = far.plot.correlation(
    y=y, data=data,
    figsize=(7, 8),

2. Model

2.1 Model preparation

# Neighborhood for spatial-autocorrelation
nneigh, adj = far.cellneigh(raster="data/fcc23.tif", csize=10, rank=1)

# List of variables
variables = ["C(pa)", "scale(altitude)", "scale(slope)",
             "scale(dist_defor)", "scale(dist_edge)", "scale(dist_road)",
             "scale(dist_town)", "scale(dist_river)"]
# Transform into numpy array
variables = np.array(variables)

# Starting values
beta_start = -99  # Simple GLM estimates
# Priors
priorVrho = -1  # -1="1/Gamma"
Compute number of 10 x 10 km spatial cells
... 99 cells (9 x 11)
Identify adjacent cells and compute number of neighbors

2.2 Variable selection

# Run model while there is non-significant variables
var_remove = True
    # Formula
    right_part = " + ".join(variables) + " + cell"
    left_part = "I(1-fcc23) + trial ~ "
    formula = left_part + right_part
    # Model
    mod_binomial_iCAR = far.model_binomial_iCAR(
        # Observations
        suitability_formula=formula, data=dataset,
        # Spatial structure
        n_neighbors=nneigh, neighbors=adj,
        # Priors
        # Chains
        burnin=1000, mcmc=1000, thin=1,
        # Starting values
    # Ecological and statistical significance
    effects = mod_binomial_iCAR.betas[1:]
    # MCMC = mod_binomial_iCAR.mcmc
    # CI_low = np.percentile(MCMC, 2.5, axis=0)[1:-2]
    # CI_high = np.percentile(MCMC, 97.5, axis=0)[1:-2]
    positive_effects = (effects >= 0)
    # zero_in_CI = ((CI_low * CI_high) <= 0)
    # Keeping only significant variables
    var_remove = positive_effects
    # var_remove = np.logical_or(positive_effects, zero_in_CI)
    var_keep = np.logical_not(var_remove)
    variables = variables[var_keep]
Using estimates from classic logistic regression as starting values for betas
Using estimates from classic logistic regression as starting values for betas

2.3 Final model

# Re-run the model with longer MCMC and estimated initial values
mod_binomial_iCAR = far.model_binomial_iCAR(
    # Observations
    suitability_formula=formula, data=dataset,
    # Spatial structure
    n_neighbors=nneigh, neighbors=adj,
    # Priors
    # Chains
    burnin=5000, mcmc=5000, thin=5,
    # Starting values

2.4 Model summary

# Predictions
pred_icar = mod_binomial_iCAR.theta_pred

# Summary
# Write summary in file
with open("output/summary_hSDM.txt", "w") as f:
Binomial logistic regression with iCAR process
  Model: I(1 - fcc23) + trial ~ 1 + scale(altitude) + scale(dist_defor) + scale(dist_edge) + scale(dist_road) + scale(dist_town) + scale(dist_river) + cell
                        Mean        Std     CI_low    CI_high
        Intercept      -3.98      0.303       -4.5      -3.37
  scale(altitude)     -0.522      0.105     -0.731     -0.321
scale(dist_defor)      -2.12      0.288      -2.71      -1.56
 scale(dist_edge)      -7.08      0.525      -8.01      -6.08
 scale(dist_road)    -0.0389     0.0657     -0.162     0.0885
 scale(dist_town)     -0.092      0.041     -0.176    -0.0134
scale(dist_river)    -0.0129     0.0319    -0.0735     0.0502
             Vrho        3.1      0.815       1.86       4.92
         Deviance   1.52e+04       48.1   1.52e+04   1.54e+04

MCMC traces

# Plot
figs = mod_binomial_iCAR.plot(
    figsize=(10, 6),
Traces and posteriors will be plotted in output/mcmc.pdf
# Save model's main specifications with pickle
mod_icar_pickle = {
    "formula": mod_binomial_iCAR.suitability_formula,
    "rho": mod_binomial_iCAR.rho,
    "betas": mod_binomial_iCAR.betas,
    "Vrho": mod_binomial_iCAR.Vrho,
    "deviance": mod_binomial_iCAR.deviance}
with open("output/mod_icar.pickle", "wb") as pickle_file:
    pickle.dump(mod_icar_pickle, pickle_file)

3. Model comparison and validation

3.1 Cross-validation

# Cross-validation for icar, glm and RF
CV_df_icar = far.cross_validation(
    dataset, formula, mod_type="icar", ratio=30, nrep=5,
    icar_args={"n_neighbors": nneigh, "neighbors": adj,
               "burnin": 1000, "mcmc": 1000, "thin": 1,
               "beta_start": mod_binomial_iCAR.betas})

CV_df_glm = far.cross_validation(dataset, formula, mod_type="glm", ratio=30, nrep=5)

CV_df_rf = far.cross_validation(dataset, formula, mod_type="rf", ratio=30, nrep=5,
                                rf_args={"n_estimators": 500, "n_jobs": 3})

# Save result to disk
CV_df_icar.to_csv("output/CV_icar.csv", header=True, index=False)
CV_df_glm.to_csv("output/CV_glm.csv", header=True, index=False)
CV_df_rf.to_csv("output/CV_rf.csv", header=True, index=False)
Repetition #: 1
Repetition #: 2
Repetition #: 3
Repetition #: 4
Repetition #: 5
Repetition #: 1
Repetition #: 2
Repetition #: 3
Repetition #: 4
Repetition #: 5
Repetition #: 1
Repetition #: 2
Repetition #: 3
Repetition #: 4
Repetition #: 5
  index    rep1    rep2    rep3    rep4    rep5    mean
0   AUC  0.9070  0.9065  0.9040  0.9032  0.9037  0.9049
1    OA  0.8245  0.8245  0.8218  0.8191  0.8164  0.8213
2    EA  0.5001  0.5002  0.5001  0.5000  0.5000  0.5001
3   FOM  0.7044  0.6962  0.6946  0.6952  0.6875  0.6956
4   Sen  0.8265  0.8209  0.8198  0.8202  0.8148  0.8204
5   Spe  0.8224  0.8279  0.8238  0.8181  0.8181  0.8220
6   TSS  0.6489  0.6488  0.6436  0.6382  0.6329  0.6425
7     K  0.6489  0.6488  0.6436  0.6382  0.6329  0.6425
  index    rep1    rep2    rep3    rep4    rep5    mean
0   AUC  0.8843  0.8834  0.8810  0.8842  0.8877  0.8841
1    OA  0.8037  0.7980  0.7937  0.8017  0.8041  0.8002
2    EA  0.5001  0.5002  0.5001  0.5000  0.5000  0.5001
3   FOM  0.6751  0.6583  0.6547  0.6707  0.6699  0.6657
4   Sen  0.8060  0.7939  0.7913  0.8029  0.8023  0.7993
5   Spe  0.8014  0.8020  0.7960  0.8005  0.8058  0.8011
6   TSS  0.6074  0.5959  0.5873  0.6034  0.6081  0.6004
7     K  0.6074  0.5959  0.5873  0.6034  0.6081  0.6004
  index    rep1    rep2    rep3    rep4    rep5    mean
0   AUC  0.9133  0.9063  0.9116  0.9100  0.9107  0.9104
1    OA  0.8339  0.8235  0.8292  0.8280  0.8282  0.8285
2    EA  0.5001  0.5001  0.5000  0.5000  0.5000  0.5001
3   FOM  0.7175  0.6956  0.7099  0.7089  0.7056  0.7075
4   Sen  0.8369  0.8216  0.8303  0.8298  0.8279  0.8293
5   Spe  0.8307  0.8253  0.8280  0.8262  0.8284  0.8277
6   TSS  0.6677  0.6469  0.6583  0.6560  0.6563  0.6570
7     K  0.6677  0.6469  0.6583  0.6560  0.6563  0.6570

3.2 Deviance

# Null model
formula_null = "I(1-fcc23) ~ 1"
y, x = dmatrices(formula_null, data=dataset, NA_action="drop")
Y = y[:, 0]
X_null = x[:, :]
mod_null = LogisticRegression(solver="lbfgs")
mod_null =, Y)
pred_null = mod_null.predict_proba(X_null)

# Simple glm with no spatial random effects
formula_glm = formula
y, x = dmatrices(formula_glm, data=dataset, NA_action="drop")
Y = y[:, 0]
X_glm = x[:, :-1]  # We remove the last column (cells)
mod_glm = LogisticRegression(solver="lbfgs")
mod_glm =, Y)
pred_glm = mod_glm.predict_proba(X_glm)

# Random forest model
formula_rf = formula
y, x = dmatrices(formula_rf, data=dataset, NA_action="drop")
Y = y[:, 0]
X_rf = x[:, :-1]  # We remove the last column (cells)
mod_rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=500, n_jobs=3)
mod_rf =, Y)
pred_rf = mod_rf.predict_proba(X_rf)

# Deviances
deviance_null = 2*log_loss(Y, pred_null, normalize=False)
deviance_glm = 2*log_loss(Y, pred_glm, normalize=False)
deviance_rf = 2*log_loss(Y, pred_rf, normalize=False)
deviance_icar = mod_binomial_iCAR.deviance
deviance_full = 0
dev = [deviance_null, deviance_glm, deviance_rf, deviance_icar, deviance_full]

# Result table
mod_dev = pd.DataFrame({"model": ["null", "glm", "rf", "icar", "full"],
                        "deviance": dev})
perc = 100*(1-mod_dev.deviance/deviance_null)
mod_dev["perc"] = perc
mod_dev = mod_dev.round(0)
mod_dev.to_csv("output/model_deviance.csv", header=True, index=False)
  model  deviance   perc
0  null   27590.0    0.0
1   glm   16542.0   40.0
2    rf    3646.0   87.0
3  icar   15237.0   45.0
4  full       0.0  100.0
# Save models' predictions
obs_pred = dataset
obs_pred["null"] = pred_null[:, 1]
obs_pred["glm"] = pred_glm[:, 1]
obs_pred["rf"] = pred_rf[:, 1]
obs_pred["icar"] = pred_icar
obs_pred.to_csv("output/obs_pred.csv", header=True, index=False)

4. Predict

4.1 Interpolate spatial random effects

# Spatial random effects
rho = mod_binomial_iCAR.rho

# Interpolate
far.interpolate_rho(rho=rho, input_raster="data/fcc23.tif",
                    csize_orig=10, csize_new=1)
Write spatial random effect data to disk
Compute statistics
Build overview
Resampling spatial random effects to file output/rho.tif

4.2 Predict deforestation probability

# Update dist_edge and dist_defor at t3
os.rename("data/dist_edge.tif", "data/dist_edge.tif.bak")
os.rename("data/dist_defor.tif", "data/dist_defor.tif.bak")
copy2("data/forecast/dist_edge_forecast.tif", "data/dist_edge.tif")
copy2("data/forecast/dist_defor_forecast.tif", "data/dist_defor.tif")

# Compute predictions
    mod_binomial_iCAR, var_dir="data",
    blk_rows=10  # Reduced number of lines to avoid memory problems

# Reinitialize data
os.rename("data/dist_edge.tif.bak", "data/dist_edge.tif")
os.rename("data/dist_defor.tif.bak", "data/dist_defor.tif")
Make virtual raster with variables as raster bands
Divide region in 296 blocks
Create a raster file on disk for projections
Predict deforestation probability by block
Compute statistics

5. Project future forest cover change

# Forest cover
fc = list()
dates = ["t1", "2005", "t2", "2015", "t3"]
ndates = len(dates)
for i in range(ndates):
    rast = "data/forest/forest_" + dates[i] + ".tif"
    val = far.countpix(input_raster=rast, value=1)
    fc.append(val["area"])  # area in ha
# Save results to disk
f = open("output/forest_cover.txt", "w")
for i in fc:
    f.write(str(i) + "\n")
# Annual deforestation
T = 10.0
annual_defor = (fc[2] - fc[4]) / T

# Dates and time intervals
dates_fut = ["2030", "2035", "2040", "2050", "2055", "2060", "2070", "2080", "2085", "2090", "2100"]
ndates_fut = len(dates_fut)
ti = [10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80]

Divide region in 168 blocks
Compute the number of pixels with value=1
Compute the corresponding area in ha
Divide region in 168 blocks
Compute the number of pixels with value=1
Compute the corresponding area in ha
Divide region in 168 blocks
Compute the number of pixels with value=1
Compute the corresponding area in ha
Divide region in 168 blocks
Compute the number of pixels with value=1
Compute the corresponding area in ha
Divide region in 168 blocks
Compute the number of pixels with value=1
Compute the corresponding area in ha
# Loop on dates
for i in range(ndates_fut):
    # Amount of deforestation (ha)
    defor = np.rint(annual_defor * ti[i])
    # Compute future forest cover
    stats = far.deforest(
        output_file="output/fcc_" + dates_fut[i] + ".tif",
    # Save some stats if date = 2050
    if dates_fut[i] == "2050":
        # Save stats to disk with pickle
        pickle.dump(stats, open("output/stats.pickle", "wb"))
        # Plot histograms of probabilities
        fig_freq = far.plot.freq_prob(
            stats, output_file="output/freq_prob.png")
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute the total number of forest pixels
Identify threshold
Minimize error on deforested hectares
Create a raster file on disk for forest-cover change
Write raster of future forest-cover change
Compute statistics
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute the total number of forest pixels
Identify threshold
Minimize error on deforested hectares
Create a raster file on disk for forest-cover change
Write raster of future forest-cover change
Compute statistics
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute the total number of forest pixels
Identify threshold
Minimize error on deforested hectares
Create a raster file on disk for forest-cover change
Write raster of future forest-cover change
Compute statistics
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute the total number of forest pixels
Identify threshold
Minimize error on deforested hectares
Create a raster file on disk for forest-cover change
Write raster of future forest-cover change
Compute statistics
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute the total number of forest pixels
Identify threshold
Minimize error on deforested hectares
Create a raster file on disk for forest-cover change
Write raster of future forest-cover change
Compute statistics
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute the total number of forest pixels
Identify threshold
Minimize error on deforested hectares
Create a raster file on disk for forest-cover change
Write raster of future forest-cover change
Compute statistics
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute the total number of forest pixels
Identify threshold
Minimize error on deforested hectares
Create a raster file on disk for forest-cover change
Write raster of future forest-cover change
Compute statistics
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute the total number of forest pixels
Identify threshold
Minimize error on deforested hectares
Create a raster file on disk for forest-cover change
Write raster of future forest-cover change
Compute statistics
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute the total number of forest pixels
Identify threshold
Minimize error on deforested hectares
Create a raster file on disk for forest-cover change
Write raster of future forest-cover change
Compute statistics
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute the total number of forest pixels
Identify threshold
Minimize error on deforested hectares
Create a raster file on disk for forest-cover change
Write raster of future forest-cover change
Compute statistics
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute the total number of forest pixels
Identify threshold
Minimize error on deforested hectares
Create a raster file on disk for forest-cover change
Write raster of future forest-cover change
Compute statistics

6. Carbon emissions

# Create dataframe
dpast = ["2020"]
C_df = pd.DataFrame({"date": dpast, "C": np.repeat(-99, ndates_fut + 1)},
# Loop on date
for i in range(ndates_fut):
    carbon = far.emissions(input_stocks="data/emissions/AGB.tif",
                           input_forest="output/fcc_" + dates_fut[i] + ".tif")
    C_df.loc[C_df["date"]==dates_fut[i], ["C"]] = carbon
# Past emissions
carbon = far.emissions(input_stocks="data/emissions/AGB.tif",
C_df.loc[C_df["date"]==dpast[0], ["C"]] = carbon
# Save dataframe
C_df.to_csv("output/C_emissions.csv", header=True, index=False)
Make virtual raster
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute carbon emissions by block
Make virtual raster
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute carbon emissions by block
Make virtual raster
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute carbon emissions by block
Make virtual raster
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute carbon emissions by block
Make virtual raster
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute carbon emissions by block
Make virtual raster
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute carbon emissions by block
Make virtual raster
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute carbon emissions by block
Make virtual raster
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute carbon emissions by block
Make virtual raster
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute carbon emissions by block
Make virtual raster
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute carbon emissions by block
Make virtual raster
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute carbon emissions by block
Make virtual raster
Divide region in 24 blocks
Compute carbon emissions by block
    date       C
0   2020   85954
1   2030   98242
2   2035  151104
3   2040  201820
4   2050  289924
5   2055  334290
6   2060  381925
7   2070  481285
8   2080  587603
9   2085  644809
10  2090  705718
11  2100  843905

7. Figures

7.1 Historical forest cover change

Forest cover change for the period 2000-2010-2020

# Plot forest
fig_fcc123 = far.plot.fcc123(
    figsize=(6, 5), dpi=500)

7.2 Spatial random effects

# Original spatial random effects
fig_rho_orig = far.plot.rho("output/rho_orig.tif",
                            figsize=(9,5), dpi=80)

# Interpolated spatial random effects
fig_rho = far.plot.rho("output/rho.tif",
                       figsize=(9,5), dpi=80)
Build overview

7.3 Spatial probability of deforestation

# Spatial probability of deforestation
fig_prob = far.plot.prob("output/prob.tif",
                         figsize=(6, 5), dpi=500)

7.4 Future forest cover

# Projected forest cover change (2020-2050)
fcc_2050 = far.plot.fcc("output/fcc_2050.tif",
                        output_file="output/fcc_" + dates_fut[i] + ".png",
                        figsize=(6, 5), dpi=500)
# Projected forest cover change (2020-2100)
fcc_2100 = far.plot.fcc("output/fcc_2100.tif",
                        output_file="output/fcc_" + dates_fut[i] + ".png",
                        figsize=(6, 5), dpi=500)