Source code for pywdpa.get_token

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ==============================================================================
# author          :Ghislain Vieilledent
# email ,
# web             :
# python_version  :>=2.7
# license         :GPLv3
# ==============================================================================

# Import
import os
import requests

# get_token()
[docs] def get_token(key="WDPA_KEY"): r"""Check Protected Planet API token. This function checks if the user has stored a valid Protected Planet API token as an environment variable file under the key ``"WDPA_KEY"``\ . Before using this package for the first time, the user must follow these steps: #. Fill in the form available at `<>`_ to obtain a personal API token. #. Store the token as an environment variable under the key "WDPA_KEY". You can use the command ``os.environ["WDPA_KEY"]="your_token"`` or python-dotenv: `<>`_. :param key: Environment variable name (recommended name: ``"WDPA_KEY"``\ ). :return: A vector of length one with the value of the API token. """ wdpa_key = os.getenv(key) if wdpa_key is None: msg = ("Missing WDPA API token. Please ensure that:{sep}" "1) You completed this form [] " "to get the token.{sep}" "2) You stored the value as an environment variable with the " "recommended name WDPA_KEY.").format(sep="\n") return msg response = requests.get("" f"test?token={wdpa_key}", timeout=None) if response.status_code == 401: msg = ("Invalid WDPA API token. Please ensure that:{sep}" "1) You completed this form [] " "to get the token.{sep}" "2) You stored the value as an environment variable with the " "recommended name WDPA_KEY.").format(sep="\n") return msg if response.status_code != 200: return "Something goes wrong with your API token." return wdpa_key
# End