Source code for forestatrisk.validate.resample_sum

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ==============================================================================
# author          :Ghislain Vieilledent
# email ,
# web             :
# python_version  :>=2.7
# license         :GPLv3
# ==============================================================================

# Standard library imports
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 3 compatibility

# Third party imports
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal

# Local application imports
from ..misc import progress_bar, make_square

# Coarsen
[docs] def coarsen_sum(a, c): """Resample to coarser resolution using sum This is an internal function used by resample_sum. :param a: 2D numpy array :param c: Coarseness, in number of cells """ if (a.shape[0] % c == 0) and (a.shape[1] % c == 0): temp = a.reshape(a.shape[0] // c, c, a.shape[1] // c, c) else: shape = np.array(a.shape, dtype=int) # New shape ns = c * np.ceil(shape / c).astype(int) a_ns = np.zeros(ns) a_ns[: shape[0], : shape[1]] = a temp = a_ns.reshape(ns[0] // c, c, ns[1] // c, c) b = np.sum(temp, axis=(1, 3)) return b
# Resample to coarser resolution with sum
[docs] def resample_sum(input_raster, output_raster, val=0, window_size=2): """Resample to coarser resolution with counts. This function resamples to coarser resolution counting pixel number having a given value. Window's size is limited to 1000 pixels. :param input_raster: Path to input raster. :param val: Pixel value to consider. :param window_size: Size of the window in number of pixels. :param output_raster: Path to output raster file. """ # Limit window_size to 1000 if window_size > 1000: window_size = 1000 square_size = 1000 # Compute square size as a function of window_size print("Compute square size") if window_size <= 1000: square_size = int(window_size * (1000 // window_size)) # Landscape variables from input raster ds_in = gdal.Open(input_raster) gt_in = ds_in.GetGeoTransform() ncol_in = ds_in.RasterXSize nrow_in = ds_in.RasterYSize # Landscape variables for output raster ncol_out = int(np.ceil(ncol_in / window_size)) nrow_out = int(np.ceil(nrow_in / window_size)) gt_out_list = list(gt_in) # Copy the georeference to a list gt_out_list[1] = gt_in[1] * window_size gt_out_list[5] = gt_in[5] * window_size gt_out = tuple(gt_out_list) # Raster of result print("Create output raster file on disk") driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") ds_out = driver.Create( output_raster, ncol_out, nrow_out, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt32, ["COMPRESS=LZW", "PREDICTOR=2", "BIGTIFF=YES"], ) ds_out.SetGeoTransform(gt_out) ds_out.SetProjection(ds_in.GetProjection()) # Copy projection info band_out = ds_out.GetRasterBand(1) band_out.SetNoDataValue(4294967295) # Input data band_in = ds_in.GetRasterBand(1) # Make square squareinfo = make_square(input_raster, square_size) nsquare = squareinfo[0] nsquare_x = squareinfo[1] x = squareinfo[3] y = squareinfo[4] nx = squareinfo[5] ny = squareinfo[6] print("Divide region in {} squares".format(nsquare)) # Loop on squares print("Loop on squares") for s in range(nsquare): # Progress bar progress_bar(nsquare, s + 1) # Position in 1D-arrays px = s % nsquare_x py = s // nsquare_x # Data for one square data_in = band_in.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py]) data_val = (data_in == val).astype(int) # Coarsen data data_out = coarsen_sum(data_val, window_size) band_out.WriteArray(data_out, x[px] // window_size, y[py] // window_size) # Compute statistics print("Compute statistics") band_out.FlushCache() # Write cache data to disk band_out.ComputeStatistics(False) # Build overviews print("Build overviews") ds_out.BuildOverviews("nearest", [4, 8, 16, 32]) # Dereference driver band_out = None del ds_out
# End # Begin test # Raster # a = np.random.choice([0, 1], 121).reshape(11, 11) # driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") # ds = driver.Create("test.tif", 11, 11, 1, # gdal.GDT_UInt32, # ["COMPRESS=LZW", "PREDICTOR=2", "BIGTIFF=YES"]) # band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) # band.WriteArray(a, 0, 0) # band.FlushCache() # band.ComputeStatistics(False) # band = None # del(ds) # Call to function # resample_sum(input_raster="test.tif", # output_raster="test_out.tif", # val=0, # window_size=2) # input_raster = "test.tif" # output_raster = "test_out.tif" # val = 0 # window_size = 2 # Results # ds = gdal.Open("test_out.tif") # band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) # b = band.ReadAsArray() # band = None # del(ds) # End test