Source code for forestatrisk.validate.diffproj

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ==============================================================================
# author          :Ghislain Vieilledent
# email ,
# web             :
# python_version  :>=2.7
# license         :GPLv3
# ==============================================================================

# Standard library imports
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 3 compatibility

# Third party imports
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal

# Local application imports
from ..misc import progress_bar, makeblock

# r_diffproj
[docs] def r_diffproj(inputA, inputB, output_file="diffproj.tif", blk_rows=128): """Compute a raster of differences for comparison. This function compute a raster of differences between two rasters of future forest cover. Rasters must have the same extent and resolution. :param inputA: Path to first raster (predictions). :param inputB: Path to second raster of (sd. predictions or observations). :param output_file: Name of the output raster file for differences. :param blk_rows: If > 0, number of rows for computation by block. """ # Inputs ds_A = gdal.Open(inputA) band_A = ds_A.GetRasterBand(1) ds_B = gdal.Open(inputB) band_B = ds_B.GetRasterBand(1) # Landscape variables from forest raster gt = ds_A.GetGeoTransform() ncol = ds_A.RasterXSize nrow = ds_A.RasterYSize proj = ds_A.GetProjection() # Make blocks blockinfo = makeblock(inputA, blk_rows=blk_rows) nblock = blockinfo[0] nblock_x = blockinfo[1] x = blockinfo[3] y = blockinfo[4] nx = blockinfo[5] ny = blockinfo[6] print("Divide region in {} blocks".format(nblock)) # Raster of predictions print("Create a raster file on disk for projections") driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") ds_out = driver.Create( output_file, ncol, nrow, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte, ["COMPRESS=LZW", "PREDICTOR=2", "BIGTIFF=YES"], ) ds_out.SetGeoTransform(gt) ds_out.SetProjection(proj) band_out = ds_out.GetRasterBand(1) band_out.SetNoDataValue(255) # Compute differences # Message print("Compute differences") # Loop on blocks of data for b in range(nblock): # Progress bar progress_bar(nblock, b + 1) # Position in 1D-arrays px = b % nblock_x py = b // nblock_x # Data for one block of the stack (shape = (nband,nrow,ncol)) A = band_A.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py]) B = band_B.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py]) # Compute differences data_diff = A data_diff[np.where(np.logical_and(A == 0, B == 0))] = 0 data_diff[np.where(np.logical_and(A == 1, B == 1))] = 1 # false negative (no pred. deforestation vs. obs. deforestation) data_diff[np.where(np.logical_and(A == 1, B == 0))] = 2 # false positive (pred. deforestation vs. no obs. deforestation) data_diff[np.where(np.logical_and(A == 0, B == 1))] = 3 data_diff[np.where(np.logical_and(A == 255, B == 255))] = 255 # Write output data band_out.WriteArray(data_diff, x[px], y[py]) # Compute statistics print("Compute statistics") band_out.FlushCache() # Write cache data to disk band_out.ComputeStatistics(False) # Build overviews print("Build overviews") ds_out.BuildOverviews("nearest", [4, 8, 16, 32]) # Dereference driver band_out = None del ds_out
# mat_diffproj
[docs] def mat_diffproj(input_raster, blk_rows=128): """Compute a confusion matrix from a raster of differences. This function computes a confusion matrix from a raster of differences. The raster of differences can be obtained using function ``.r_diffproj()``\\ . :param input_raster: Raster of differences obtain with forestatrisk.r_projdiff. :return: A confusion matrix. [[np00, np01], [np10, np11]]. """ # Inputs ds = gdal.Open(input_raster) band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) # Make blocks blockinfo = makeblock(input_raster, blk_rows=blk_rows) nblock = blockinfo[0] nblock_x = blockinfo[1] x = blockinfo[3] y = blockinfo[4] nx = blockinfo[5] ny = blockinfo[6] print("Divide region in {} blocks".format(nblock)) # Confusion matrix n00 = n11 = n10 = n01 = 0 # Compute differences # Message print("Compute confusion matrix") # Loop on blocks of data for b in range(nblock): # Progress bar progress_bar(nblock, b + 1) # Position in 1D-arrays px = b % nblock_x py = b // nblock_x # Data for one block of the stack (shape = (nband,nrow,ncol)) data_diff = band.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py]) # Confusion matrix n00 += (data_diff == 0).sum() n11 += (data_diff == 1).sum() n10 += (data_diff == 2).sum() n01 += (data_diff == 3).sum() # Return confusion matrix conf_mat = np.array([[n00, n01], [n10, n11]]) return conf_mat
# End