Source code for forestatrisk.misc.miscellaneous

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ==============================================================================
# author          :Ghislain Vieilledent
# email ,
# web             :
# python_version  :>=2.7
# license         :GPLv3
# ==============================================================================

# Standard library imports
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 3 compatibility
import os
import sys

# Third party imports
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal

# Invlogit
[docs] def invlogit(x): """Compute the inverse-logit of a numpy array. We differenciate the positive and negative values to avoid under/overflow with the use of exp(). :param x: Numpy array. :return: Return the inverse-logit of the array. """ r = x r[x > 0] = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-x[x > 0])) r[x <= 0] = np.exp(x[x <= 0]) / (1 + np.exp(x[x <= 0])) return r
# Function to make a directory
[docs] def make_dir(newdir): """Make new directory * Already exists, silently complete * Regular file in the way, raise an exception * Parent directory(ies) does not exist, make them as well :param newdir: Directory path to create. """ if os.path.isdir(newdir): pass elif os.path.isfile(newdir): raise OSError( "a file with the same name as the desired \ dir, '{}', already exists.".format( newdir ) ) else: head, tail = os.path.split(newdir) if head and not os.path.isdir(head): make_dir(head) # print "_mkdir %s" % repr(newdir) if tail: os.mkdir(newdir)
# Makeblock
[docs] def makeblock(rasterfile, blk_rows=128): """Compute block information. This function computes block information from the caracteristics of a raster file and an indication on the number of rows to consider. :param rasterfile: Path to a raster file. :param blk_rows: If > 0, number of rows for block. If <=0, the block size will be 256 x 256. :return: A tuple of length 6 including block number, block number on x axis, block number on y axis, block offsets on x axis, block offsets on y axis, block sizes on x axis, block sizes on y axis. """ r = gdal.Open(rasterfile) # b = r.GetRasterBand(1) # Landscape variables ncol = r.RasterXSize nrow = r.RasterYSize # Block size # block_xsize, block_ysize = b.GetBlockSize() # Adapt number of blocks if blk_rows > 0: block_xsize = ncol block_ysize = blk_rows else: block_xsize = 256 block_ysize = 256 # Number of blocks nblock_x = int(np.ceil(ncol / block_xsize)) nblock_y = int(np.ceil(nrow / block_ysize)) nblock = nblock_x * nblock_y # Upper-left coordinates of each block x = np.arange(0, ncol, block_xsize, dtype=int).tolist() y = np.arange(0, nrow, block_ysize, dtype=int).tolist() # Size (number of col and row) of each block nx = [block_xsize] * nblock_x ny = [block_ysize] * nblock_y # Modify last values of nx and ny if (ncol % block_xsize) > 0: nx[-1] = ncol % block_xsize if (nrow % block_ysize) > 0: ny[-1] = nrow % block_ysize # b = None del r return (nblock, nblock_x, nblock_y, x, y, nx, ny)
# Make_square
[docs] def make_square(rasterfile, square_size=33): """Compute square information. This function computes block information from the caracteristics of a raster file and an indication on the number of rows to consider. :param rasterfile: Path to a raster file. :param square_size: Pixel number to define square side size. :return: A tuple of length 6 including square number, square number on x axis, square number on y axis, square offsets on x axis, square offsets on y axis, square sizes on x axis, square sizes on y axis. """ r = gdal.Open(rasterfile) # Landscape variables ncol = r.RasterXSize nrow = r.RasterYSize # Number of squares nsquare_x = int(np.ceil(ncol / square_size)) nsquare_y = int(np.ceil(nrow / square_size)) nsquare = nsquare_x * nsquare_y # Upper-left coordinates of each square x = np.arange(0, ncol, square_size, dtype=int).tolist() y = np.arange(0, nrow, square_size, dtype=int).tolist() # Size (number of col and row) of each square nx = [square_size] * nsquare_x ny = [square_size] * nsquare_y # Modify last values of nx and ny if (ncol % square_size) > 0: nx[-1] = ncol % square_size if (nrow % square_size) > 0: ny[-1] = nrow % square_size # b = None del r return (nsquare, nsquare_x, nsquare_y, x, y, nx, ny)
# Progress_bar
[docs] def progress_bar(niter, i): """Draw progress_bar :param niter: Total number of iterations. :param i: Current number of iteration (starts at 1). """ step = 1 if niter <= 100 else niter // 100 if i == 1: sys.stdout.write("0%") sys.stdout.flush() elif i % step == 0: sys.stdout.write("\r{}%".format((100 * i) // niter)) sys.stdout.flush() if i == niter: sys.stdout.write("\r100%\n") sys.stdout.flush()
# Rescale
[docs] def rescale(value): """Rescale probability values to 1-65535. This function rescales probability values (float in [0, 1]) to integer values in [1, 65535]. Raster data can then be of type UInt16 with 0 as nodata value. :param value: Numpy array of float values in [0, 1]. :return: Rescaled numpy array of integer values in [1, 65535]. """ # Avoid nodata value (0) for low proba value[value < 1e-06] = 1e-06 # Rescale and round to nearest integer return np.int_(((value * 1e6 - 1) * 65534 / 999999) + 1)
# End