Each variable is computed using terra
and/or gdalwarp
. In the following table
only others packages or functions are mentioned.
Solar radiation is calculated on equinox day (20th March).
Protected area are extracted from protectedplanet.net, enable to extract only countries.
Name | Unit | Description | Particular package or function | Source |
elevation | m | Elevation | gdalbuildvrt | srtm.csi.cgiar.org |
aspect | degrees | Aspect | gdaldem slope | srtm.csi.cgiar.org |
roughness | m | Roughness is the largest inter-cell difference of a central pixel and its surrounding cell, as defined in Wilson et al (2007, Marine Geodesy 30:3-35) | gdaldem roughness | srtm.csi.cgiar.org |
slope | degrees | slope values are in degrees | gdaldem slope | srtm.csi.cgiar.org |
srad | \(Wh.m^{-2}\) | Solar irradiance : computes direct, diffuse and reflected solar irradiation from elevation, slope, roughness, aspect | rgrass (r.in.gdal, r.out.gdal, r.sun) | |
SoilType | category | Types of soils according to World Reference Base (2006) Soil Groups | gdalbuildvrt gdal_translate | soilgrids.org |
forest | binary | Forest/No forest layer | gdal_translate | forestatrisk.cirad.fr |
distanceForest | m | Minimal distance to forest | gdal_proximity | forestatrisk.cirad.fr |
distanceSea | m | Minimal distance to sea compute from elevation layer | gdal_proximity | elevation layer |
distanceRoad | m | Minimal distance to any road bigger than terciary road
define on openstreetmap.org
osmextract ogr2ogr gdal_proximity | openstreetmap.org |
distancePlace | m | Minimal distance to cities, town and village | osmextract ogr2ogr gdal_proximity | openstreetmap.org |
distancewater | m | Minimal distance to river, lake, or reservoir (except sewage and water storage) | osmextract ogr2ogr gdal_proximity | openstreetmap.org |
WDPA | category | Protected areas (all type of protection) | httr | protectedplanet.net |
tas | °C x 10 | Daily mean air temperature at 2 metres from hourly ERA5 data for each month | chelsa-climate.org | |
tasmin | °C x 10 | Daily minimum air temperature at 2 metres from hourly ERA5 data for each month | chelsa-climate.org | |
tasmax | °C x 10 | Daily maximum air temperature at 2 metres from hourly ERA5 data for each month | chelsa-climate.org | |
pr | \(kg.m^{-2}\) | Precipitation amount | chelsa-climate.org | |
clt | % | Cloud area fraction | chelsa-climate.org | |
pet_penman | \(kg.m^{-2}\) | Potential evapotranspiration calculated with the Penman-Monteith equation. | chelsa-climate.org | |
pet_thornthwaite | \(kg.m^{-2}\) | Potential evapotranspiration calculated with the Thornthwaite equation. | chelsa-climate.org | |
cwd_penman | \(kg.m^{-2}\) | Climatic Water Deficit calculated with pet_penman variable | chelsa-climate.org | |
cwd_thornthwaite | \(kg.m^{-2}\) | Climatic Water Deficit calculated with pet_thornthwaite variable | chelsa-climate.org | |
ndm_penman | month | Number of Dry Month calculated with cwd_penman variable | chelsa-climate.org | |
ndm_thornthwaite | month | Number of Dry Month calculated with cwd_thornthwaite variable | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio1 | °C x 10 | mean annual daily mean air temperatures averaged over 1 year | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio2 | °C x 10 | mean diurnal range of temperatures averaged over 1 year | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio3 | °C x 10 | ratio of diurnal variation to annual variation in temperatures | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio4 | °C x 10 | standard deviation of the monthly mean temperatures | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio5 | °C x 10 | The highest temperature of any monthly daily mean maximum temperature | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio6 | °C x 10 | The lowest temperature of any monthly daily mean maximum temperature | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio7 | °C x 10 | Annual range of air temperature : the difference between the Maximum Temperature of Warmest month and the Minimum Temperature of Coldest month | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio8 | °C x 10 | Mean daily mean air temperatures of the wettest quarter | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio9 | °C x 10 | Mean daily mean air temperatures of the driest quarter | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio10 | °C x 10 | Mean daily mean air temperatures of the warmest quarter | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio11 | °C x 10 | Mean daily mean air temperatures of the coldest quarter | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio12 | \(kg.m^{-2}.year^{-1}\) | Accumulated precipitation amount over 1 year | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio13 | \(kg.m^{-2}.month^{-1}\) | The precipitation of the wettest month. | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio14 | \(kg.m^{-2}.month^{-1}\) | The precipitation of the driest month. | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio15 | \(kg.m^{-2}\) | Precipitation seasonality | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio16 | \(kg.m^{-2}.month^{-1}\) | Mean monthly precipitation amount of the wettest quarter | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio17 | \(kg.m^{-2}.month^{-1}\) | Mean monthly precipitation amount of the driest quarter | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio18 | \(kg.m^{-2}.month^{-1}\) | Mean monthly precipitation amount of the warmest quarter | chelsa-climate.org | |
bio19 | \(kg.m^{-2}.month^{-1}\) | Mean monthly precipitation amount of the coldest quarter | chelsa-climate.org |
\[\lambda ET = \frac{\Delta (R_n - G) + \rho_a c_p \frac{(e_s - e_a)}{r_a}}{\Delta + \gamma (1 + \frac{r_s}{r_a})} \]
where R_n is the net radiation, G is the soil heat flux, (e_s - e_a) represents the vapour pressure deficit of the air, r_a is the mean air density at constant pressure, c_p is the specific heat of the air, \(\Delta\) represents the slope of the saturation vapour pressure temperature relationship, \(\gamma\) is the psychrometric constant, and r_s and r_a are the (bulk) surface and aerodynamic resistances.
\(PET_k\) is the estimated potential evapotranspiration (in mm/month) for month \(k\). \(T_k\) is the average daily temperature (in degrees Celsius) for month \(k\). \(L_k\) is the average day length (in hours) of the month \(k\). \(N_k\) is the number of days for month \(k\). \(I\) is a heat index which depends on the 12 monthly mean temperatures.
\[ I = \Sigma^{12}_{i = 1} (\frac{T_i}{5})^{1.514}\] \[ \alpha = (6.75e-7) I^3 - (7.71e-5) I^2 + (1.792e-2) I + 0.49239 \] \[ PET_k = 16 \frac{L_k}{12} \frac{N_k}{30} \left(\frac{10 T_k}{I}\right)^{\alpha} \]
Climatic Water Deficit (CWD) is the sum of monthly differences between potential evapotranspiration and precipitation. CWD is a positive value. A higher value of CWD indicates a higher deficit in water. The minimal monthly value of CWD is set to 0 when there is more precipitation than potential evapotranspiration and thus no water deficit.
\[ cwd = \Sigma^{12}_{i = 1} max(pet_i - pr_i, 0) \]